Monday 23 August 2010

The Promised Land

Anthony Clavane is an author and journalist who was born and brought up in Leeds.

Anthonyis currently the Chief Sports Writer for The Sunday Mirror. He left Leeds aged 18 and has always maintained an interest in his beloved Leeds United and the Leeds Jewish Community.

His research has culminated in a book called "Promised Land" which is a must read for all Leeds residents and is currently number 3 in The Amazone Football Best Sellers. Anthony will also bejoining the fantastic 150 years Heritage Project led by Makor.

Anthony will be at the Mazcc CentreTHIS Wednesday August 25th at 8pm where he talks and reads from his book.

Anthony would love to meet as many people from Leeds as possible and if you attended Selig Brodetsky Jewish Day School (now The Zone) during the period 1966 to 1971 he would be especially delighted to reunite with you.

For more information you can check out the website or you can email him

Sunday 13 June 2010

Together is Better

The Jewish Women's Circle invites you to
Feed your mind... Nourish your soul... Delight your senses

Together is Better

Drum to the Beat
with Anna Green of

Monday, June 21st, 2010
8:00 pm
At the Lubavitch Centre
Cover charge £5

Mikayla Casdan, Angela Cohen, Sarah Doerfler

Please RSVP by Monday June 14th so we can ensure sufficient supplies.
Contact Dabrushy Pink at or on 07970 190210
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Saturday 12 June 2010

Leeds Student Controversy

A member writing from the Jewish Community Centre for London has sent us their monthly podcast, Sounds Jewish. This month’s edition of the Sounds Jewish podcast in association with The Guardian has a big feature on the Leeds Student newspaper controversy, featuring commentary by The Guardian's Jonathan Freedland and the founder of Muslims4UK, Inayat Bunglawala. The debate is a very interesting one and is relevant as it relates directly to Jewish students at Leeds University.

Please find the link to the podcast below and feel free to get in touch with any questions-

Thursday 10 June 2010

Hora Derbyshire

Hora Derbyshire! 18th-20th June

We've just finalised the schedule of dances and you should not miss out!

Avivit, Roberto and Annette have sourced some of the most amazing and up-to-date material straight from Israel. We're living up to our reputation of bringing you dances each year that have not been seen in England before .. and go on to become top new numbers for the season. There will also be recaps of the best recent hits and classics that must not be forgotten.

We have our last two standard and ensuite rooms available at a great rate - either for the whole weekend or for those wishing to join us on Saturday afternoon/ evening for the Summer Sunshine Party, with space to stay for breakfast.

We've booked great weather for your escape from the city!! (We do usually have a glorious weekend :) And we have visitors from overseas too! Plus separate halls, for teaching at advanced and intermediate levels.

Do let me know as soon as possible if you are planning to join the Summer celebrations.

Because FULL IS FULL folks!!

Best wishes
Julia Kay

Leeds Israeli Dance Organisation (LIDO)

07762 059 858

Last week of BA

Dear All,

Hope you are having a good week.

Just to say that as we mentioned last week this is Leeds Bnei Akiva’s last week of the year. We will resume meetings in September once schools have returned.We have had a really great year which has seen an increase in the quality of the meetings which your children will experience on Shabbat afternoon. There are pictures available for the year by clicking here.

Bnei Akiva has also been helping the Leeds community by running Jewish assemblies in Allerton and the Grammar School attracting large audiences.We would like to thank you very much for your continued support for Bnei Akiva and appreciate any sort of feedback from the year. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the dedicated Madrichim for all their hard work.

For those people that are going on camp, have an incredible time!! If you still wish to go to camp please click here to request more information and a form.


Liat and Emma

Thursday 15 April 2010

Bnei Akiva Returns

Dear Parents,

Hope you had a nice and relaxing Pesach.

Bnei Akiva returns this week at UHC from 3:30-5:30pm, meeting at Gourmet at 3:15pm.

We wish to make a special effort to end the year on a massive high, so please encourage your children to come this week.

Take care and have a good week

The Leeds Bnei Akiva Team

Tuesday 9 March 2010


On Tuesday, 16th March at 8 pm LIMELIGHT DRAMA GROUP will be casting its forthcoming production of "Quartet" by Ronald Harwood.

The play, described as 'wickedly comic', will be performed on Tues., Wed and Thurs., 25, 26 & 27 May at The Carriageworks. In addition to the four main characters, all over 60, director Raymond Williams requires several 'extras'. If anyone over 20 years of age would like to appear in this play in a non speaking role, please contact Raymond Williams on 2693679 or come to Limelight House, (top of BHH driveway) on the casting evening.

Limelight looks forward to welcoming any potential thespians.