Tuesday 9 March 2010


On Tuesday, 16th March at 8 pm LIMELIGHT DRAMA GROUP will be casting its forthcoming production of "Quartet" by Ronald Harwood.

The play, described as 'wickedly comic', will be performed on Tues., Wed and Thurs., 25, 26 & 27 May at The Carriageworks. In addition to the four main characters, all over 60, director Raymond Williams requires several 'extras'. If anyone over 20 years of age would like to appear in this play in a non speaking role, please contact Raymond Williams on 2693679 or come to Limelight House, (top of BHH driveway) on the casting evening.

Limelight looks forward to welcoming any potential thespians.

Monday 8 March 2010

Shaliach Gilad Amit

(Relatively) recently we have been privileged to welcome the arrival of our new Shaliach Gilad Amit. Here is a little information about him:

Gilad is the Community Shaliach in Leeds UK. He was born and raised in Jerusalem- whereby he had his BA and MA in education, media and mass communication studies from The Hebrew University. Prior to the Shlichut, Gilad worked as a teacher, a head of year for the 6th form in Giva'at Gonen High School, and was active within the community of Katamon Neighbourhood in Jerusalem. He also has experience in PR, as he had been working for a PR company in Savion.

Gilad served as a sergeant in an artillery unit.

Gilad would love to help you with talks about Judaism, Zionism, The Media Effects, The History of Israel and the Holocaust.

As the Community Shaliach in Leeds, Gilad brings Israel to the Jewish Community by organizing information and cultural events, encouraging Aliyah, supporting long and short term programmes to Israel, and enhances the awareness and activism amongst Jewish youngsters and students in Leeds.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Aliyah and Israel

Come along for one-on-one meetings & lecture with Jewish Agency for Manchester Shaliach Alon Aron discuss the following topics:

Aliyah Options , Pensions in Israel
New Tax Reform Options for New Olim & Returning Residents , Israel’s Economy, Health Benefits, Youth & Education Options

On Sunday 7th March, from 12:00-6:30pm - one-on-one meetings, 7:00-8:00pm – lecture on Daily Life/ Attitude/ Relationships in Israel, at Ziff Centre