Monday 10 August 2009

ZF Gilad Shalit Appeal

Gilad Shalit Rosh Hashanah Appeal

On the 25th June 2006, Gilad Shalit (aged just 19) was kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists in a cross border raid from the Gaza Strip. He has been held hostage by Hamas ever since.

During this Rosh Hashanah, we invite you to send your New Year Greetings to Gilad via, which we will pass on to the International Red Cross and ask them to help us pass these messages onto Gilad. We will also pass the wishes onto his parents, to show that the world is still thinking of them and Gilad, and praying for his release.

Make sure the loneliest man in the world is not forgotten - your help will make a difference.

Visit NOW.

Tune your radio

Radio JCom is your Leeds Jewish community radio station, broadcasting on 1386 KHz in the Medium Wave Band from September 6th.

There will be a mixture of community programmes, news, views and music. 24 hours a day, 6 days a week.

You can visit their website and listen now at

Masorti over the Yomim Noraim

Leeds Masorti September 2009


When- Fri 11 Sept 7 pm
What- Oneg Shabbat
Where- E. and C. Grazin


When- Sat 19 Sep - RH 2 - 8 pm
What- 2nd night Sephardi style Rosh Hashanah "Seder"
Where- J. and E. Kahn


When- Sun 20 Sep - RH2 - 9.30 am
What- 2nd day Rosh Hashanah morning service & Shofar
Where - MAZCC


When- Mon 28 Sep - pm
What- YK study session
Where- Tbc

Contact: Elaine on 268-0527 for more details

Autumn Dance Courses

Autumn Dance Courses start at Sinai from 9th September 2009. LIDO (Leeds Israeli Dancing Organisation) is delighted to offer two new 5 week courses for beginner and intermediate Israeli dancers. Gain fitness and have fun!

They teach lines, circles and partner dances - both traditional and modern - in this vibrant
class. Men, women and young people of all ages welcome. The beginners classes start from 7.15pm and the intermediate classes from 8.30 pm. You can pay for 5 classes for £15 or £4 per session on the door.

Click here to download a pdf application form.

Please contact: or call 07762 059 858 for more details

Holocaust Diaries & Memoirs

Melton Graduate Programme Holocaust Course -

In Autumn 2009, Ian Vellins will start to lead a course on the experiences of those who lived through the Holocaust.

Shortly after the fall of Warsaw to the German armed forces, a teacher, Chaim Aharon Kaplan (whose writings will be read in Lesson 3, Holidays and Occasions) made the following observation in his diary (October 7, 1939) regarding the fate of the Jews vis-à-vis that of the Poles:

‘Ours is a tragedy on a personal level, while theirs is so merely on a national level.’

It is only in the last few years that a new spotlight has been thrown upon learning about the daily life of the Jews in Occupied Europe, focusing on providing an understanding of what the individual Jew lived through.

Ian Vellins offers a 10 week Melton Graduate Course in the autumn please contact Makor 2680899 or email

Zone Junior Golf Day

The Zone Junior Golf Day on Thursday 3rd September for those Year 3 and above. Taking place from 9.30am til about 4.30pm at the Moor Allerton Golf Club, there will be a day of lessons and fun for beginners and an 18 hole competition for Golfers.

Please email a.s.a.p to confirm a place or if you have any questions. Adam need to know numbers for coaching and catering purposes!

Click to enlarge:

New to Leeds?

The Leeds Jewish Representative Council have put together a Welcome Pack for new members of the community and those who are consdidering relocating here. It contains vital information about the city and the community; as well as other initiatives to help you feel at home in Leeds.

The pack includes:

  • Welcome letter- welcome letter from LJRC president Sue Dorsey welcoming them to community.
  • LJRC Yearbook- Directory of groups, services and contacts within the community, and other essential information.
  • Discount card- A years discount at the city's kosher stores, book shops and other local businesses.
  • Essential Leeds- A 62 page glossy brochure with a guide to attractions, sport, shopping, entertainment and accommodation in Leeds.
  • 'Leeds Jewish Community'- A brochure about all the different aspects that make up the Jewish community.
  • Adoptive Families Scheme- Sign up to be paired with a family of similar age/interest/religious level who can act as contact in the community.

This pack is FREE and contains something relevant to everyone regradless of age, affiliation or interest. So, if you have been here for 6 months or less, or are planning on moving here, contact Neil Clarke: Email- Telephone- 0113 2697520

Get dramatic!

Click below to see the flyer for a new drama workshop being run by Emma Gordon at The Zone. Be sure to register your interest!

On the Radio. Online.

Radio JCom- the radio station of the Leeds Jewish Community- has been featured on the BBC news website! Appearing in the Faith section, it highlights the transition from broadcasting on the web to going live on the radio next month. This will currently be the only such radio station in the country. Just another reason for the Leeds community to be proud.

The article can be found here:

Monday 3 August 2009

Summer Sunshine Menu



Only £2.50

Half Jacket Potato
With Cheese, Beans or Tuna

Pizza slice & Chips

Mini Battered Fish & Chips

Lunch Box
(Egg, Cheese or Tuna Sandwich,Piece of Cake, Fruit and Fresh Juice)