Monday 10 August 2009

Holocaust Diaries & Memoirs

Melton Graduate Programme Holocaust Course -

In Autumn 2009, Ian Vellins will start to lead a course on the experiences of those who lived through the Holocaust.

Shortly after the fall of Warsaw to the German armed forces, a teacher, Chaim Aharon Kaplan (whose writings will be read in Lesson 3, Holidays and Occasions) made the following observation in his diary (October 7, 1939) regarding the fate of the Jews vis-à-vis that of the Poles:

‘Ours is a tragedy on a personal level, while theirs is so merely on a national level.’

It is only in the last few years that a new spotlight has been thrown upon learning about the daily life of the Jews in Occupied Europe, focusing on providing an understanding of what the individual Jew lived through.

Ian Vellins offers a 10 week Melton Graduate Course in the autumn please contact Makor 2680899 or email

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