Boasting a congregation of more than 1300, the Etz Chaim is a thriving synagogue which moved
to its current premises in 1981. The modern, purpose-built premises on Harrogate Road are home to many activities. Regularly-attended morning and evening Minyanim are held in the small synagogue in the reception room. Services are held every Shabbat, and on Yom Tov. Running alongside these are regular supervised children’s services. There are evening classes for pre and post Barmitzvah and Batmitzvah youngsters, a successful Leisure Club which meets fortnightly, and a well-stocked bookshop catering for the needs of the Observant household.

The Etz Chaim also has a social and cultural committee, organising various events including coffee mornings and Friday night dinners with guest speakers. Another social group, Simply the Best, is renowned for its annual dinner with entertainment. In 2006, the Shul’s function room was totally refurbished and renamed the Reuben Vincent Hall, and with a seating capacity of around 240, is available to hire for weddings, Barmitzvahs and similar events. The city’s Mikveh is also situated in the building.

Our Rabbi, Shalom Kupperman, was appointed in 2006, succeeding Rabbi Y Angyalfi, who had been Rabbi since 1983. Our Minister/Chazzan Rev Anthony Gilbert has led services since being a teenager, more than 30 years ago. Synagogue president is Paul Gross, and Marilyn Mack and Hilton Lorie are vice-presidents. There is also a synagogue council comprising 18 members.
Associated with the Shul is Gourmet Foods, the only supervised Kosher butcher in Leeds, and delicatessen which has been on Sandhill Parade, Harrogate Road, since 1988. In 2007, the Shul’s newsletter, Shabbat Shalom, was named Synagogue Newsletter of the Year in a national competition organised by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Jewish Chronicle.
For more information, please contact the synagogue office on Leeds 266 2214.
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