Thursday 27 November 2008

Organisations of the community: The Zone

The Zone is a cross-communal and all-inclusive Jewish youth organisation who cater for children aged between 5 and 18. They provide a range of exciting and inspirational activities- sports, art, drama, music, dance, Jewish identity, interfaith and more- suitable for Jewish children regardless of their background, religiosity or ability. The Zone is a real asset to the Leeds community and a shining Jewel in the crown of Northern Jewry. Newly refurbished, The Zone not only looks stunning but contains a tennis table, a computer suite, table football, a cafe, a games room, a sports hall, as well as a comfortable seating area.

With Jewish children attending a variety of schools in the area it is essential to provide and support a place for them to socialise. The Zone is this place! It is a youth centre that provides a safe, stimulating and secure place for all these children to get together, including others who have otherwise opted to leave the core community. As well as providing purely social activities, one of their objectives is to welcome children into the community to enable them to make choices about getting involved in Jewish life. Through discussion, debate and ulpan they have the opportunity to consider their Jewish identity. Their success in providing this unique balance of services can be attested to with over 400 children coming to see The Zone's new premises!
Examples of activities include:
  • Karate- work your way through the colour chart
  • StreetSound Project- record, edit and mix radio shows, podcasts, music and blogs and maybe they will appear on Radio Jcom (our community radio station)
  • Junior Football (Mini Maccabi)- start here and progress to a Maccabi team
  • Poland Trip- a trip for 15 year olds (in conjunction with Makor) allowing them to see the concentration camps and hear Holocaust Survivor Arek Hersh
  • Dinky Drama and Art- fun activities for 5 – 8 year olds
  • Fundraising- such as this year's Chanukah 24 hour Dance-A-Thon!
  • Leadership programmes- including one or many of 'Zone and Maccabi'; Duke Of Edinburgh; Millenium Volunteers; and The Arts Award

Another major plus-point of The Zone is its good working relationship and partnerships with other organisations in the community. It raises awareness of local communal organisations through its leadership programmes, puts on joint events with the Talmud Torah and is pleased to work in conjunction with the various youth movements that operate in the area. It is always willing to open its doors to be used as a venue by various groups such as the university JSoc.
To find out more and get involved email or call 0113 217 2532

Israeli dance sensation!

The UK's hottest young Israeli dance talent - Marcelo Marianoff from Argentina - is on a rare Northern visit!!!

Some of us already know, from meeting in London or Derbyshire, what a privilege it is to learn with this charismatic young dancer.

Where - Sinai Synagogue, Roman Avenue, Leeds LS8
When - Sunday 7th December
Cost - £12 per head with bagel lunch provided. Children half price.

You can't miss this fun-filled, vibrant workshop!

Please let us know you are coming as LIDO is catering this event through the goodwill of its members. Reply to this e-mail or call/ text Julia on 07762 059 858.

12 pm until 1 pm introductory/ beginner material and catch ups of the most popular current dances.
1-2.00 We are aiming to provide a funky session over lunch, especially aimed at the young and young at heart .
2.00 - 3.00 More teaching - mostly for intermediates
3pm onwards - PARTY TIME!! All your favourites, old and new

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Change to schedule: Etz Chaim Leisure Club

Please note a change to the advertised programme of the Etz Chaim Leisure Club.

The visit of the Grammar School musicians and singers is now on 9th December 2008

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Jewish Contribution to Leeds

The Jews (exemplified by Anglo-Jewry) have always made great contributions not only to Jewish life, but to the cities in which they inhabit. This is particularly true of Leeds as the following quote from the Thomas Jessop, Lord Mayor of Leeds in 1956 testifies. This was printed in the brochure commeorating the tercentenary of the Jews in the British Isles.

I am proud to record that during the course of my life I have had a long and happy association with members of the Jewish Community and i have never at any time regarded the Jews as a separate race, but individually and collectively, as members of one human family.

We all have most things in common and particularly when one views the position from a civic aspect. The same liberties and privileges are extended to every citizen, who in turn must recognise the responsibilities and duties which all rights inevitably bring.

Members of the Jewish Community have taken a full and important part in the administration of our City and in almost every field of voluntary endeavour......

...There is no doubt that mankind is the richer for the public service which Jews have given and are giving to the City....

The Zone Activities Report- Oct/Nov

October / November 2008 Activities Report

Club Nights
This report covers the 4 weeks from October 20th. Club has been running well and we have had many visits. To say we were closed for Chag Simchat Torah, that it was Bonfire night, 2 Speech Nights and various parent’s evenings we have had 833 visits.
Half term attracted some new members who had not realised what fabulous facilities we offer. They enjoyed projects varying from making radio programmes to Jewish based activities including cookery, art and music making. Our new members, leaders and volunteers are adding variety and excitement to our club nights.

We are so delighted to see more 16 to 18 year olds than previous years calling into club to either enjoy the facilities or help with junior activities. 2 of these volunteers were recognised by Ajex at The Memorial Service on November 11th. Hannah Schifildrin and Lauren Hamburg were given the Youth Volunteer Award this year for their continuing services at the Zone in sports and radio activities.

Many of our Karate Kids have been entered for their next belts – the colour Green. We wish them all luck as a very important “Master” visiting them from the South is assessing them.

Junior Football (Mini Maccabi)
Boys and Girls football continues to be successful and we have invited them all in on Wednesday 18th Nov to watch The England Vs Germany game on our Big Screen with older members.

Dinky Drama & Art
We have welcomed some new volunteers to this activity and are actively looking for more young budding artists, actors and actresses to join this session. If art or drama is something the young people in your family enjoy please feel free to bring them over. Every Wednesday at 4pm.

Poland trip planning is underway – 15 places booked. 5 more places available. The trip leaves February 15th . Asaf, our Shaliach, Adam from The Zone and Arik Hersh have joined forces to offer this trip. If you know any children 15 – 18 years old who would like to join us on the trip please get in touch.

Raina and Simon met with Rabbi Kleiman and representatives from Talmud Torah to plan a ‘Chanukah family day’ to be held at The Zone. This will be the first time The Zone and TT have joined forces to run an activity and we are very excited it is for Chanukah. Maybe all of us in the community will see the light and how wonderful it is when groups come together to celebrate.

The Maccabi Torch Relay will also be running Chanukah activities on December 8th at The Zone. Please come along to support our Israeli visitors.

Estelle’s gym classes are full and we are delighted that Generation Zone, our Grandma’s committee are raising money at their next coffee morning towards new gym equipment. The older advanced class are going to be working towards entering competitions.

Intercity / Youth Movements
We hosted a fantastic intercity event organised by Adam Warner and Mark Fink from Habonim. Following a successful Summer, Habonim wanted to increase the momentum and develop the friendships between the children who had met on tour. Adam suggested a social event at The Zone and 55 14/15 year olds attended the very successful overnight event. We were told by youth in Manchester that they think our club is amazing and they wish they had a Zone in Manchester.

FZY have begun to use The Zone for Leadership training and we are delighted to welcome them to The Zone to run their activities. They do of course still meet in each other’s homes but the fact they have found the Zone a useful resource is great news for us. We welcome all youth movements to The Zone.

A political themed session was held recently following the American Elections, which led onto all sorts of discussions about positive and negative influences, and people our young leaders are inspired by. There were some really interesting thoughts and we were very proud of young people’s input into the discussion. The discussion went from Barack Obama to Russell Brand,
Baby P, Duane Chambers and The Beckhams with many more besides. This led to discussing our own community leaders and why it is so important to get involved in the community from an early age and the responsibilities of community lay leadership. Whoever says that young people’s opinions don’t matter is so wrong. Our kids know what they are talking about!

Great work being done in Street Sound – budding new broadcasters and presenters attending all the time. We will shortly deliver a programme made by A level students to Radio Jcom to go on air and some of our 13/14 year olds made an advert in support of Zone member Andrew Abendstern who has been chosen to represent the UK basketball team at the Maccabiah Games and is looking for sponsorship. There is much more in the pipeline.

Our booking forms are out! – please call The Zone if you think you can dance for an hour or more! An in-house fundraiser being organised by Adam and The Parents Committee; A 24hr non stop party involving our Young People; Toddlers to OAP’s, Volunteers and Staff. Event scheduled for Sunday 21st and Monday 22nd December – and will be part of our Chanukah programme.

Fashion & Culture
Did you know “Green is the New Black”? Well it is according to our fashion experts who spent time with leader Emma Charlton and youth volunteer
Ella Miller discussing, creating and then showing environmentally friendly fashion. This activity is of such great value as it questions the whole idea of fashion whilst incorporating art activity and discussions about different cultures including of course our very own.

We were delighted to host our Shaliach and meet other UK Shlichim in order to develop relationships further. We also introduced Jsoc The Zone whose representatives loved it and if they can get the students to travel more then 10 minutes for a night with no beer will happily use our facility!

Café Chai
We are looking for volunteers to run Café Chai through the day for adults to come in for coffee and use our computer facilities. If you would like to run the café once a week/fortnightly or monthly please let us know.
One of our Grandparents would like to start a Jewish Book Club once a month at Café Chai to read books by Jewish Authors or with Jewish content. If you are interested or know anyone who may be please get in touch with us.

Mitzvah Day
The Zone was delighted to be a part of Mitzvah Day this year and we congratulate the organisers on a wonderful event. At The Zone we helped people in the community with computer problems and teaching them new internet skills. We also took a group of young people to help with gardening in The Queenshills.

Dates For Your Diary:

  • Generation Zone Coffee Morning November 30th at 69 Sandmoor Lane call us for details.

  • Maccabi Torch Relay – December 8th 6.30pm

  • Chanukah Family Fun Day with Talmud Torah December 14th 11-2 – come and play Who wants to Be a Chanukah Millionaire!

  • Chanukah Dance-a-thon Sunday Dec 21st – Mon Dec 22nd

  • Poland Trip for 15 to 18’s – Feb 09 – Book now – 5 places left

  • Spectacular Judean Revisited. The Judean Club Re-union. An event not to be missed – remembering all the way back through Street Lane to Barrack Road. Tickets only £12.50 – you can book yours now call 0113 2172532.

I hope you have enjoyed reading about our activities and plans.
We welcome your feedback and any suggestions you have.

Best wishes
Raina Sheaf
Chief Executive
The Zone

Monday 24 November 2008

Credit Crunch Supper at Sinai

There will be a Credit Crunch Supper at Sinai Synagogue with three courses for only £6!!! The mean will beparev/milky and you are encouraged to bring your own wine (no corking charge!)

Please book with Sinai office 0113 2665256 by Tuesday 2nd December.

Service starts at 6.30pm and meal follows at approx 7.15pm.

Yad Yosef

I just came across this piece written in 1996 when Dayan Apfel (cantor, rabbi and av bet din for many years in Leeds) published a book of his writings:

Rabbi Yosef Yehoshua Apfel, the head of Leeds Beth Din, has recently published a sefer (written in Hebrew) which is a collection of his writings over the last seventy years. I thought would that itspublication might be of interest to the readers of Mail- Jewish. Dayan Apfel a graduate of the famous Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary in Berlin, a Talmid Muvchak (Outstanding student) of Rabbi Yaakov Yehiel Weinberg.., work is divided into four parts. The first section consistsof responsas, (questions and answers) that Dayan Apfel corresponded with Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Eliasheiv , Rav Weinberg, and Rav Yitzhak Weiss(the Minchat Yitzhak) and a very interesting question about animal welfare that Dayan Apfel submitted in the nineteen thirties, when he was in living in Berlin to the Rav Nahum Weinfeld (The Hazon Nahum).

The second section consists of deveri Torah compiled from Rabbi Maimon's work, Sarei Elef. The third section consists of biographies of various great rabbis, such as Rav Yehiel Yaakov Weinberg, Rav Yosef Shaul Nathanson (The Shoel Umesheiv), Rav Moshe Sefer, Rav Yehuda Assod etc.

The last section is made up of correspondence between Dayan Apfel and various rabbinical luminaries.What is particularly interesting in this section are the letters that Rav Yehiel Weinberg sent Dayan Apfel which have never been published before.

Dayan Apfel writes in his introduction to his work, a short biography of his long productive life. He describes his early life in Sanz,Galici. Learning in a beis medrash in Sanz and receiving his first semicha at 18, and his fortunate escape from the hands of the Nazis to England in 1938 just before its gates to Jewish refugees were shut.

Dayan Apfel, a survivor from pre-world war II, Poland and Germany,writings are valuable for their historical insights and novel and decisive rulings concerning modern questions. I recommend this work to all interested in rabbinical literature.

Unfortunately, I don't think this book is still in print, and I can't find it on second-hand websites. Sounds interesting though.

A civic chanukah!

Leeds Jewish Representative Council invite you to Chanukah candle-lighting ceremony in The Banqueting Hall, The Civic Hall in the presence of the Lord Mayor of Leeds. It will be held on Tuesday 22nd December from 5pm - 6pm. Refreshments will be provided.

RSVP Michele on 2697520 or

Sunday 23 November 2008

Communal diary- 23rd - 30th November

Click to enlarge:

Organisations of the community: Leeds Maccabi

Leeds Maccabi FC runs 10 totally Jewish football teams from Under 7 through to senior level. The club now has charter status, presented at the end of season awards day, which reflects good ractises and standard in coaching, development, administration and facilities. There are now level 1 coaches at every level.

The club is giving football to every Jewish child that wants to play. Training is weekly at various indoor centres during the season September to March. New members are very welcome and vital for the continuity of the club as a Jewish community organisation.

Call Elliot Landy on 295 9803 for more information

Thursday 20 November 2008

Running rabbi!

Leed's very own student Rabbi, Alan Garber will be doing the Abbey Dash 10km run on the morning of 23rd November. He is raising funds for a local organisation, Leeds Jewish Welfare Board (LJWB). See

Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It’s also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Leeds Jewish Welfare Board gets your money faster and, if you’re a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.

So please sponsor him now!

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Mitzvah Day

Last Sunday, Mitzvah Day UK happened all over the country where people were asked to give up a little of their time to do a good deed. There was a full-compliment of projects that happened here in Leeds with around 200 people taking part in the day. It pulled together people and organisations from all segments of the community, with everyone working together to make a difference.

A full update will be posted but in the meantime, here are a few of the photos:

Organiser Sara Cross, Fabian Hamilton M.P. and Sue Dorsey (president of rep council) at opening of the event:

Brownies, Guides and Rainbows ready in their art gear:

Young and old work together to fill and decorate shoeboxes full of Chanukah presents for disadvantaged children:

Teenages helping to clear up leaves outside centre:

Magician Jon Gordon entertains residents of Donisthorpe Hall at 'JFactor' Variety Show:

Monday 17 November 2008

communal diary 16th -22nd November

Communal diary (click to enlarge):

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Israeli FIlm and Supper Club: "Three Mothers"

Thursday 20th November at MAZ centre

6.45- Israeli supper (book now as places are limited)
8.00- Free entrance to award-winning film: Three Mothers

For more information about either event contact the Shaliach Asaf Segav on

Plot description:

Rose, Flora and Yasmin were born as triplet s sixty something years ago in Alexandria, Egypt. Their well-off parents gave them names of flowers, and King Farouk of Egypt gave them his blessing. Today, in Israel, they live together in an apartment without men and without children. Flora has just retired from her work as a midwife, Yasmin awaits a kidney transplant, and Rose, once a successful singer, is wrapped in silence since the death of her husband. One after the other, the three sisters come to "This is your life," a place where people recount their memoirs, in order to tell their life story to Rucha (Rachel), Rose's only daughter, and talk about their symbiotic relationship. They are also searching for the long lost son of one of them who was given away for adoption under mysterious circumstances. During this period their lives and that of Rucha will change dramatically. Hidden ghosts will slowly appear, forcing the three sisters to confront the secrets and lies, and seek forgiveness. At the end of the journey into the past, after they redeem themselves, the sisters will embark on a new journey, to Alexandria, where Yasmin will undergo her kidney transplant and Rucha, who regained her own memories, will be able to start a new life.

The story the media doesn't report...


LYDIA AISENBERG (Journalist and Educator at the Givat Haviva Institute in Israel) talking about 'Either side of the Divide': Coexistence between Jews and Arabs in Israel. This will give you a chance to hear the story that the media doesn't report!

It will be held on Monday December 1st at 8.00 p.m. at the MAZ Community Centre. All welcome

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Other people say....

Just some of the things that people say in Leeds....

  • Leeds. One of Europe's top cities for business
    Cushman & Wakefield European Cities Monitor 2007
  • Leeds. The UK's most important legal centre outside London
    UK Legal 500
  • Leeds. The most cost effective place to study in Britain
    RBS Student Living Index 2007
  • Leeds. One of the UK's top cities for restaurants
    Which? Good Food Guide 2007
  • Leeds. More public green space per child than any other city in the UK
    The Children's Society 2008
  • Leeds. The UK's most female friendly city
    Future Laboratories 'Tigra Town' Research 2006
  • Leeds. The UK's best shopping destination
    Rough Guide to Britain 2006
  • Leeds. The UK's leading centre for business and financial services outside London
    ONS Annual Business Inquiry 2005
  • Leeds. One of the top three UK cities for business outside London
    Cushman & Wakefield UK Cities Monitor 2008
  • Leeds. Voted the UK’s sexiest city
    Young Persons Railcard Poll 2005
  • Leeds. The best university destination
    The Independent 2004/5
  • Leeds. Visitor city of the year
    The Good Britain Guide 2004
  • Leeds. The best place in Britain to live
    Henley Management College 'Urban Behaviours' study


Israeli Dancing tomorrow!

Israeli dance classes start again, tomorrow, Wednesday 12th November. Beginners
7.15pm, intermediate 8.00pm, advanced 9.00pm. At Sinai shul.

Following up from the fantastic Manchester workshop led by London
teacher Irene Copitch, we will be learning and reviewing the lastest
dances as well as traditional and simcha favourites!

Please contact for more information

Monday 10 November 2008

Yitzhak Rabin Memorial

As you know this year is the 13th Memorial Day since the assassination of Israel's Prime Minister Yizhak Rabin. In order to commemorate Rabin's life and legacy, we are organising a 7 day exhibition at the Ziff community centre, starting this coming Thursday (13th November)for a week until Thursday (20th November).

The exhibition will show major parts of Rabin's life- work as well as how Israeli society deals with this tragedy. As part of the exhibition, there will be a Memorial dispaly in which the guests can light a candle and sign their name in the special Memorial booklet that will be sent to the Rabin Centre in Tel Aviv.

For more info, email

Organisations of the Community: Leeds Chaverim

Leeds Chaverim is a simple idea. It's about a bunch of Jewish people in their 20s and 30s who are looking to add an extra Jewish dimension to their lives. Having experienced the atmosphere at Limmud, where you socialise and learn in a relaxed, friendly way, a couple of people got together to try and recreate a similar Jewish place in Leeds. Word spread and gradually the idea became a reality.

Once a month Leeds Chaverim hold a Friday night meal at someone’s house, where everyone brings along a vegetarian dish. They also assist in voluntary endeavours. The next meal is on 14th November. For more information see or contact Simon Phillips on 07931 370791

Friday 7 November 2008

Communal diary- 9-15th November

Here is the communal diary for next week (click to enlarge):

Days Out in Leeds

Abbey House Museum

Step back in time and wander through life-like Victorian streets, seeing the high street, shops, schools and houses as they used to look like. There is also the unique opportunity to step into the pages of a nursery rhyme meeting Humpty Dumpty and seeing the house that Jack built! This interactive exhibition allows history to come to life.

Abbey House Museum, Abbey Walk, Leeds, LS5 3EH. The museum is open Tuesday-Friday and Sunday from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and from 12 noon – 5 p.m. on Saturday. It is closed on Mondays. The admission charge is £3.50 for adults, £1.50 for children, £5 for a family and free for under 5s.

Harewood House

Harewood House, home to the Queen's cousin, the Earl of Harewood, boasts splendid State Rooms, beautiful formal gardens and relaxing woodland walks. There is plenty to do here, making it a splendid day out for all the family. For example, explore the 'Below Stairs' exhibition following in the footsteps of the staff who have serviced the House since its creation. Equally, have a look at the 'Harewood 1807' exhibit that looks out how the house was funded with money made from the West Indian sugar trade.

Harewood House, Harewood, LS17 9LG. Prices and opening times vary depending on the season. Have a look at for more information.

Henry Moore Institute

The Henry Moore Institute is known internationally for its many and varied sculpture exhibitions, including both historic and contemporary sculpture. The Institute also has an active research programme and holds an extensive, specialist library.

74 The Headrow, Leeds, LS1 3AH. Open daily from 10.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. except Wednesday when it is open until 9.00 p.m. Visit

Leeds Art Gallery

Leeds Art Gallery, located in the city centre, holds a world class collection of 20th Century British art- one of the best collections outside London. Exhibitions have included 'The great horse paintings of Stubbs”, “Artist and camera- ways of looking” and “The wonder and the horror of the human head”.

Leeds Art Gallery, The Headrow, Leeds, LS1 3AA. Closed on Bank Holidays. Mon - Tues 10am - 8pm. Wed 12pm - 8pm. Thurs - Sat 10am - 5pm. Sunday 1pm - 5pm. Admission free. Visit for more information.

Leeds City Museum

A new, free, fantastic exhibition has been opened in Millenium Square with a host of permanent and exhibitions. The six permanent exhibitions include “Ancient Worlds” where you can explore the everyday life of the Greeks and Romans through the objects they left behind. Also, in “Life on Earth” you get to explore our planets history over the last 540 million years. Temporary exhibitions include 'Eating Creepy Crawlies”; and there will be one on faiths in the city which will include a section on the Jewish community.

Leeds City Museum, Millennium Square, Leeds, LS2 8BH. Closed Mondays except bank holidays (11am - 4pm). Tue, We, Fri 11am - 6pm. Thurs 11am - 8pm. Sat and Sun 11am – 5pm. Visit:

Lotherton Hall

This is an Edwardian country house, formerly belonging to the Gascoigne family, and is a treasure trove of arts, crafts and music. Come visit the exhibitions before walking through the formal, wooded and wildflower gardens. Lotherton Hall is surrounded by a red deer park and bard gardens which houses an important collection of rare and endangered species.

Lotherton Lane, Aberford, Leeds, LS25 3EB. Admission is to the house is £3.00 for adults and £1.00 for children (accompanied by an adult). Visiting the grounds is free. See

Middleton Railway

Opened in 1758, Middleton Railway is celebrating 250 years of continuing operation. This, the oldest working railway, runs into Middleton Park at the edge of Yorkshire's largest ancient forest. The trains, departing every forty minutes) are hauled by both steam and diesel locomotives (the former is usually on a Sunday and the latter usually on a Saturday.

Moor Road Station, LS10 2JQ. Adult- £4.50, Child- £2.50, Family (2 adults, 3 children)- £12. Visit

Royal Armouries

Housed in a multi-million pound, purpose based building, is a large part of the national collection of arms and armouries. Tour through the five galleries- war, tournament, oriental, self-defence and hunting- and see over 8500 objects. There is a lot more to do with falconry shows, horse shows and real jousting!

Royal Armouries Museum, Armouries Drive, LS10 1LT. Open daily 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Entrance is free but some events may charge.

Temple Newsam House and Estate

Referred to as “the Hampton Court of the North”, this great English country house is set in grand and beautiful parkland with one of the largest, working rare breed farms in Europe. The house is famous as the birth place of Lord Darnley, notorious husband of Mary, Queen of Scots. In this Tudor-Jacobean mansion, there lies a wonderful collection of fine and decorative arts including paintings, furniture, silver, ceramics, textiles and wallpapers. After exploring the house, view the rare breeds and explore the park and woodland.

Temple Newsam House, Temple Newsam Road, Off Selby Road, LS15 0AE. The admission charge is £3.50 for adults, £2.50 for children and £9.00 for families. Closed Mondays except bank holidays (10.30am - 4pm). Tue - Sun 10.30am - 4pm. Last admission 45 mins before closing. Visit:

Thackray Museum

“Telling the story of medicine” in a fun, stimulating way. Visit one of Thackray's many exciting exhibitions. For example, in as “Leeds 1842” experience the sights and sounds of Victorian Leeds! In this hands-on exhibition you can choose one of the characters and see whether they survive Victorian healthcare. Another example is “Hannah Dyson's Ordeal” where you get to experience the horrors of 1820s surgery. As well as exhibitions there are medical collections, libraries, shop and cafeteria.

Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7LN. Open daily 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Prices are £5.50 for adults, £4.50 for concessions and £4.00 for children. A family ticket is available for up to 2 adults and 3 children for £18.00. Visit

Thwaite Mill

“Feel the force of nature and see life how we used to live!” Visit a fully restored, working watermill 'nestled' on an island between the River Aire and the Aire and Calder Navigation. Prebook a tour that will take you round the mill, waterwheel, industrial machinery, engineers workshops, the riverbanks and wildlife. Also, visit “Thwaite House”- a Grade 2 listed Georgian House where the mill manager used to live. See how they managed to live self-sufficiently on the island.

Thwaite Lane, Stourton, Leeds, LS10 1RP. Call 0113 2762887 to prebook visit. See

Tropical World

A realistic atmosphere of the tropics is created in Roundhay Park in Leeds! Enter different houses and see colourful fish, tropical cacti, different species of butterfly; as well as many other species you would be more likely to see in South America than here. The whole environment is recreated including features such as waterfalls and swirling pools.

Roundhay Park, Leeds, LS8 2ER. Open 10.00 a.m. until early evening. Ring 0113 2370754 for more details. Admission charges apply.

Thursday 6 November 2008

Remberance Sunday: AJEX service

Leeds AJEX Memorial Service

This Sunday coming is Remembrance Sunday remembering the sacrifices of the armed forces and civillians in times of war, specifically since the first world war. Please come along and support this event that the Association of ex-Jewish service men and women (AJEX) are putting on in the Jewish community. Details below-

Date: Sunday 9th November

Venue: B.H.H. Synagogue grounds

March past- Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire and Lord Mayor of Leeds: 2.55pm

Service: 3.00pm

Light refreshments and presentations to youth: 3.30pm

Organisations of the community: Neshama

We can all, without even realising, suffer some form of mental distress. At times like this, we are all in need of support and advice. Neshama offer a free, confidential Counselling Service for those people who are going through difficult or distressing times, in a way that;s culturally sensitive to the community's needs.

NESHAMA aims to help Jewish people between the ages of 16-60 who require support. It is managed by Janine Field and supported by a fully qualified Social Work team. Each worker works individually with service users to offer a comprehensive package of care and support.

They also run art therapy sessions, outreach support and provide supported housing. If you require any of these service, please contact Janine Field on 0113 269 4211 or email

Wednesday 5 November 2008

November's JLife

The November edition of JLife is out- the monthly glossy news and lifestyle magazine for Leeds 17 and the Leeds Jewish community. If you haven't seen it already it can be picked up from Donisthorpe, The Kosherie, David Lloyd, Chalutz, Headfirst, The Zone, MAZ Centre, Street Lane Dental and Bagel Nash. Alternatively, check it out online at

This issue contains:

News, pictures and upcoming events from around the community
A journey to Poland's past and present- a look at the five-day journey to Poland with Arek Hirsh, holocaust survivor, being planned by Makor, The Zone and the Jewish Agency
Food and Drink Guide '08- 4 page guide to best dining out spots in your area
Style and substance- looking at Milan's Jewish history as well as its sites and culture
Plan of Action- the 'interview in focus' with.. well... ME! :-)
Gifts Galore- a look at inspired gift ideas for Chanukah, whatever your budget
...and lots more with lifestyle, fashion, body matters and film reviews

Leeds' Personalities: Selig Brodetsky


•Born in Olviopol in Ukraine
•Much of his work was on the mathematics of aeroplanes! He also wrote books on scientific figures such as Isaac Newton.
•After lecturing at Bristol university, he arrived in Leeds in 1920 where he remained until 1948. He was to be appointed ‘Chair of Applied Mathematics’
•He joined the Zionist Synagogue in Brunswick Street, set up the Zionist Council and organised the first visit of Dr. Chaim Weizmann to Leeds
•Positions held include: President of Leeds B’nai Brith, President of Hebrew University, as well as being on the executive of the World Zionist organisation
• Has the Jewish primary school in North Leeds named after him as well there being the annual "Selig Brodetsky memorial lecture" at the University of Leeds.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Leeds Jewish Pride Awards

Leeds Jewish Pride Awards

Celebrate the unsung heroes of our community by voting in the Leeds Jewish Pride Awards 2008. Cast your votes at and remember to do it by the 26th November

The nominations are:

Business Person
•Diane Saunders ("Always there to help with people's problems in all walks of life")
•Emilie Carrie ("A great role model for young Jewish business person")
•Simon Cohen ("Young, vibrant entrepeuneur with charisma & great business idea")

•Barbara Berson ("For single-handedly caring for her husband full time at the age of 78")
•Kay Smith ("Gives her best at all times to all people")
•Tracey Sapier ("Will go anywhere and do anything if it's a chance to make things better")

Community Staff Member
•Raina Sheaf ("Does fantastic work for the youth with her Zone work")
•Sara Wilcock ("Always got a smile when running the me and my parent class")
•Sharon Bedford ("Does her job well. It's nice to have someone who cares")

Sports Person
•Bradley Wine ("Enthusiastic, determined, fantastic team player - supports Jewish teams")
•David Lee ("Very good at table tennis. Gives 100 per cent")
•Oliver Ziff ("Excellent triathlon athlete- dedicated to his studies and community work")

Community Volunteer
•Nikki Ross ("Commitment beyond the call of duty")
•Rosalind Peters ("Gives generously of her time and also financially without asking for reward and recognition")
•Sagi Yechezkel ("Does so much for the people around him and cares that everyone is happy")

•Becky Teiger ("Puts so much effort and dedication into her work and pupils")
•Rabbi Sufrin ("Respectful of all whatever their needs")
•Simon Camby ("He has almost single-handedly given Brodetsky the breath of life again")

Leeds Jewish Personality of the Year
•Francine Levin ("Granted the wishes of thousands of children as founder of Make A Dream charity")
•Hilda Mitchell ("Always sees the positive side to everything")
•Regina Waldman ("Works constantly for the good of many charities and has energy well beyond her years")

LJWB staff member
•Avril Gaunt ("Very caring person, sets an example to all the Board")
•Judi Frankenthal ("Provides a superb quality service to those she works with, serves and feeds"
•Ray Proctor ("A very cheerful and helpful gentleman")

LJWB Volunteer
•Alan Davidson ("Unsung hero")
•Bernice Pearlman ("Is always tehre, gives freely of her time")
•Hilda Mitchell ("A true inspiration who would be hard to replace")

•Denise Surr ("Kindness and support of many in time of need")
•Minnie Solaman ("Loving, caring and always there")
•Nicole Myerson ("Always willing to help")

Monday 3 November 2008

B'nai Brith Brass Band Concert

The annual "David Clayman Memorial Brass Band Concert" will be held this year on Sunday Nov.23rd. in the Malcolm Featherman Hall, Sinai at 7-30pm. Doors will open from 7pm.

Tickets are £8 adults and £4 under 16's. These are available from Carole 2671259; Shirley 2264475 or from Sinai offfice.

The band featured this year will be the Harrogate Band.

One Voice- Shalom/salaam

If anyone is interested in the following, I will put you in touch with Laura Conrad at the University of Leeds

Special Invitation to meet OneVoice Israeli and Palestinian Youth Leaders in Leeds


OneVoice is a grassroots movement of Israeli and Palestinian citizens and international supporters who are fed up with the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and who are ready and eager to support a serious peace process, leading to a comprehensive agreement that will fulfil the hopes and beliefs of both the Palestinian and the Israeli people to end the occupation and all forms of violence and establish a two state solution.

Hosted by Shalom Salaam

Shalom Salaam aims to oppose prejudice and bigotry; to improve relationships between people with all perspectives on the Israel/ Palestine conflict through social activities and to foster debate and dialogue between all sides and points of view on the issue, in the interests of uniting all those who seek a just resolution to the conflict.

Tuesday 11th November, 12 - 2 PM, Conference Hall, LUU
Refreshments will be provided


Dear Shalom Salaam members,

Please join us in a safe space, meeting people from different communities in Leeds, to hear first hand from OneVoice Israeli and Palestinian Youth Leaders, Ana Lipnik and Abeer Natsheh about the realities of living with the conflict in Israel and Palestine and how they are trying to change the desperate status quo.

We want you to feel welcome and to listen and engage in meaningful conversations together. We should learn the art of conversation, from which truth emerges by letting our world be enlarged by the presence of others who think, act and interpret reality in radically different to our own.

This will be an incredible opportunity to hear direct from those living in the region. Ana and Abeer are just two of 1,800 OneVoice Youth Leaders who have had enough of the occupation, conflict and violence and are standing up as leaders to push for a better future for themselves and their children.

We really hope you will be able to join us. Please RSVP to me as soon as possible (don't forget). Facebook RSVP will do. Thank you.

Best Wishes,

Laura Conrad
On behalf of Shalom Salaam

Monday 10 November 8pm

A Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Kristallnacht

Keynote Speaker Bill Williams
Director, Centre for Jewish Studies
University of Manchester

Dr Martin Kapel & Edith Goldberg

Julia Craggs

Steve Shulman & Nechama Hadari
Rudi Leavor