Tuesday 18 November 2008

Mitzvah Day

Last Sunday, Mitzvah Day UK happened all over the country where people were asked to give up a little of their time to do a good deed. There was a full-compliment of projects that happened here in Leeds with around 200 people taking part in the day. It pulled together people and organisations from all segments of the community, with everyone working together to make a difference.

A full update will be posted but in the meantime, here are a few of the photos:

Organiser Sara Cross, Fabian Hamilton M.P. and Sue Dorsey (president of rep council) at opening of the event:

Brownies, Guides and Rainbows ready in their art gear:

Young and old work together to fill and decorate shoeboxes full of Chanukah presents for disadvantaged children:

Teenages helping to clear up leaves outside centre:

Magician Jon Gordon entertains residents of Donisthorpe Hall at 'JFactor' Variety Show:

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