Wednesday 5 November 2008

Leeds' Personalities: Selig Brodetsky


•Born in Olviopol in Ukraine
•Much of his work was on the mathematics of aeroplanes! He also wrote books on scientific figures such as Isaac Newton.
•After lecturing at Bristol university, he arrived in Leeds in 1920 where he remained until 1948. He was to be appointed ‘Chair of Applied Mathematics’
•He joined the Zionist Synagogue in Brunswick Street, set up the Zionist Council and organised the first visit of Dr. Chaim Weizmann to Leeds
•Positions held include: President of Leeds B’nai Brith, President of Hebrew University, as well as being on the executive of the World Zionist organisation
• Has the Jewish primary school in North Leeds named after him as well there being the annual "Selig Brodetsky memorial lecture" at the University of Leeds.

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