Monday 27 April 2009

Stop the BNP!

A letter from LJRC President Sue Dorsey about the coming European Elections

To the Leeds Jewish Community:

The European this year elections are on the 4th June 2009. MEP’s are elected through proportional representation which means that any party with a substantial number of votes is entitled to representation. It is very likely that the BNP will gather sufficient votes to give them two or three MEP’s. It is not impossible that wecould find ourselves with an MEP from the British National Party for our area.

The way to help prevent this is for every responsible member of the community to use their vote.

The Board of Deputies are promoting an anti BNP Campaign providing comprehensive Campaign Kits to assist us in raising awareness. These kits are immediately available from the Rep Council office at MAZCC. The Campaign will need volunteers to help with the distribution of leaflets around Moortown, Alwoodley and Roundhay on two Sundays prior to the election and then help with election day itself.

Volunteers will be required on:

Sunday 17th May
Sunday 31st May
Thursday 4th June

Final details will be confirmed shortly. As a matter of urgency please canvass members of your organisation/institution for volunteers and send their details to Michele Jackson at

Kind regards,

Sue Dorsey

Leeds JewishRepresentative Council

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