Friday 24 October 2008

Eminent Rabbonim

Over the years, Leeds has been home to some eminent rabbonim. Here are just a few:

Rabbi Fisch who contributed greatly to Jewish scholarship including his Soncino commentary to Ezekiel
Dayan Apfel who was one of the closest disciple of R’ Weinberg (the Sidrei Aish) who was one of the greatest poskim (halachic decisor) of last century

Rabbi Rappaport who is now advisor on medical ethics on the Chief Rabbi’s cabinet and has written on the Jewish approach to homosexuality.

Rabbi Daiches who founded the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of England and whose published output includes a lot of work on the Jerusalem Talmud

Joel Leib Herzog who was father of the Isaac Herzog, the ex-Askenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel; and grandfather of Chaim Herzog, ex-President of Israel

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