Friday 3 October 2008

Rabbi Shalom Hammer

This Sunday (5th October) at 10.30 a.m. you will have the opportunity to hear a very special speaker at the MAZ Centre. Rabbi Shalom Hammer, BHH's scholar-in-residence for the high holidays, will be speaking to the whole community about "Ensuring Survival - A vision of hope for the State of Israel". Below is a little information about Rabbi Hammer from his website

Rabbi Shalom Hammer has had the unique experience of having served as a Rabbi in the United States, and Educator in Israeli institutions and a Chaplain for the Israeli Defense Forces. He was sent numerous times to deliver classes to the Jews in the former Soviet Union and he has also led groups of American students through the fallen Jewish communities of Eastern Europe. These experiences provide Rabbi Hammer with distinct and profound insight on pertinent issues confronting the Jewish world both in Israel and the Diaspora

Don't miss this opportunity. There will be a suggested donation of £5

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