Monday 27 October 2008

Rabbi Berel Wein coming to Leeds!

Rabbi Berel Wein- a noted scholar, historian, educator and raconteur- is coming to Leeds on November 5th to present a new film about the creation of the state of Israel. It will happen in the MAZ centre at 7:45 p.m. There will be a suggested donation of £5

His website- says the following about him:

Rabbi Berel Wein... has, for over 25 years, been identified with the popularization of Jewish history through world-wide lectures, his more than 1,000 audiotapes, books, seminars, educational tours and, most recently, dramatic and documentary films.

Rabbi Wein is a graduate of the Hebrew Theological College and Roosevelt College in Chicago. He received his Juris Doctor Degree from De Paul University Law School and a Doctor of Hebrew Letters from Hebrew Theological College.

...Rabbi Wein has authored four Jewish history books – Triumph of Survival, The Story of the Jews in the Modern Era; Herald of Destiny, the Medieval Era; Echoes of Glory, the Classical Era and Faith and Fate, the story of the Jews in the Twentieth Century – all of which have received popular and critical acclaim.

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