Wednesday 17 December 2008

BA end of term report

End of term- written by Sagi Yechezkel

After 13 weeks of Bnei Akiva each shabbat; the first term has sadly come to an end. We have had so much fun this term starting it with the pots to go tochnit, and now finishing with a huge tochnit with lots of prizes, sweets and doughnuts!

The next term of Bnei Akiva starts on the 17th of January, 2.45 at gourmet; starts at 3, and pick up is at 5 from the UHC.

During the next term of Bnei Akiva there will be many events which will be keeping the whole family busy! On the 6th, 7th & 8th of March 2009 at the Etz Chaim there is this years Shabbat Ha’irgun (make sure your here for it - it will be better then ever). In June there will be the Family Friday Night where you as a family will be competing against other families from Leeds to be crowned Leeds BA’s cleverest family title! There will also be many other activities during the year which will be going on for the whole community to enjoy. Watch this space - or the Jewish Telegraph!

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