Tuesday 16 December 2008

The Zone December Activities Report

December 2008 Activities Report written by Raina Sheaf

Club Nights
There is a real change in the atmosphere during some club nights these days! Our members are maturing and have so much to offer. We are trying many different ways to bring out their best in terms of talent, communication and ambition! One very exciting example of this is that we are discovering some really talented musicians within our young Zone community who are thoroughly enjoying “jamming” together each week. We also have some budding young DJ and music producers working really well in Street Sound.

Two of our Leaders, Simon Brown and Hannah Buck set up Zone Ready Steady Cook and the girls beat the boys hands down! Well done Hannah, better luck next time Simon!

Karate Belt Grading
The Zone Karate Kids (The future Zone Defence Force!!) were entered for their next belt grading. This was a serious belt grading and they were tested in front of “Master Johnson” from the South. It was a very strict test and I am happy to report that all Zone children entered passed the grade and received their Orange Belts. One of our members who has been studying and practising Karate for a while now entered and passed his Red Belt grade. Mazal Tov to all.

Football, basketball, gymnastics and general keep fit continue to be successful and in the newyear we will be adding some different sport and games activities to the evening sessions.

Poland trip leaves February 15th . Asaf, our Shaliach, Adam from The Zone and Arik Hersh will accompany 15, 15 year olds. We will report on the trip in the February or March report.

I was very happy to meet David Janner-Klausner and Doug Krikler recently and will be working on education and awareness with our young members of what UJIA is, does and offers.
At The Zone we are particularly interested in the new Philanthropy project and have already introduced it to some of our Bar/Bat Mitzvah members. I also hope to visit Manchester Jlec next year to gain more knowledge and use more of their resources.

The Talmud Torah and Zone teamed up to run a pre- Chanukah activity which was hugely successful. We entertained, fed and educated over 60 youngsters from both organisations. They enjoyed making wooden Chanukiot, colouring and laminating Brachot, playing the Dreidl game and singing Chanukah songs.

The hi-light of the event was “Who wants be be a Chanukah Millionaire” adapted by Simon Harris (Zone) and Chaya Mushka Angyalfi (Talmud Torah) and hosted by Rabbi Kleiman. Both teams did exceptionally well getting to the million jackpot. They won chocolate money along the way and for hitting the million a cheque will be donated to a Jewish charity of their choice. The children are to choose the charity themselves.

The event was a resounding success and is the way we hope to celebrate Chagim in the future. The youth of Leeds, “ONE YOUTH” together. We feel confident the more events we do together, the more families and children will hear about it and support us.

More Chanukah!
The Maccabi Torch Relay was in town and just in case you missed last week’s JT – we had a great night of fun activities with our 6 Israeli visitors. They performed a Chanukah play, ran games and other activities together with Zone Leaders including candle making, salt dough Chanukiot, stained glass art and a doughnut eating competition! Can you eat a whole doughnut without licking your lips?!!

Intercity / Youth Movements
Following the fantastic intercity/inter movement event (Zone/Habonim) in October, Adam set out to meet other communities and to work on some events for next year. We look forward to meeting up with Manchester again, Liverpool, Leicester, Birmingham, Sheffield and others.

Special guests Meirav Sasson and Avril Gaunt (LJCS) joined us for an awareness activity during Leadership this month. It was a particularly unique and moving experience for our young leaders who learnt from Avril what it is like to be blind by taking part in a series of activities whilst blind folded or wearing special glasses to experience being partially sighted. Our leaders really impressed Avril and Meirav and we hope to repeat the evening for those who could not make it.

Fashion & Culture
Following the “Did you know Green is the New Black” session the fashion activity has gained momentum with our participants looking at putting on an environmentally friendly fashion show! Watch this space.

Café Chai
We are still looking for volunteers to run Café Chai through the day for adults to come in for coffee and use our computer facilities. If you would like to run the café once a week/fortnightly or monthly please let us know.

One of our Grandparents would like to start a Jewish Book Club once a month at Café Chai to read books by Jewish Authors or with Jewish content. If you are interested or know anyone who may be please get in touch with us.

Due to a huge amount of different Chanukah activities for all age groups by many different organisations on the weekend of December 21st and 22nd, The Zone Parent's Committee together with The Zone have taken the decision to postpone the forthcoming Dance-a-thon event in memory of Stewart Rudette to raise money for a party area and equipment. A new date will be announced in the New Year".

Generation Zone Coffee Morning
Another fantastic success! Thank you to the Grandmas; Norma, Monica, Marsha, Adele and Pearl for another wonderful coffee morning raising in excess of £2,000 towards new sports and games equipment.

I would like to end my report today by saying how proud I was to have received the LJWB Pride Award earlier this month. The Award is a reflection on all the extremely hard work that goes into the running of The Zone, from me and the team, the management committee, all our volunteers and our donors. Thank you all so very much.

Dates For Your Diary:
Poland Trip for 15 to 18’s – Feb 09 – Book now – 5 places left
Spectacular Judean Revisited. The Judean Club Re-union.
An event not to be missed – remembering Street Lane to Barrick Road.
Tickets only £12.50 – you can book yours now call 0113 2172532.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about our activities and plans.
We welcome your feedback and any suggestions you have.

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