Monday 22 December 2008

Terror from the Gaza Strip: End of the Calm

An Israel update from the Shaliach for the Leeds Jewish Community- Asaf Segev

Terror from the Gaza Strip: End of the Calm

Hamas announced that the period of calm, which began on June 19 and has been eroding since November 4, ended as of Friday, December 19. In fact, for weeks the calm has been maintained in name only.

November 4 – December 15: 130 rockets and 98 mortar bombs hit Israel (ITIC).

Since November 4, the following dynamic has been taking place:
1. the Palestinian terrorist organizations try to carry out attacks (IEDs, rocket and mortar shell fire),
2. the IDF acts to prevent the attacks (Israeli Air Force attacks, firing at terrorist squads near the fence),
3. the terrorist organizations respond and then continue with daily sporadic rocket and mortar shell fire,
4. Israel responds by closing the crossings.

Hamas's response to the distress caused to the Gazan population by the closing of the crossings is not to cease the rocket launchings, but rather to conduct an exaggerated and distorted media campaign emphasizing the suffering the “siege” has brought to the Gaza Strip, with the objective of exerting pressure on Israel to open the crossings even as rocket and mortar fire continue.

Dec. 21: About 8 rockets and mortar bombs fell this morning. A home in Sderot was severely damaged and a foreign worker was wounded by shrapnel (IDF).

Dec. 20 (Shabbat): 10 rockets and 24 mortar bombs were launched at Israeli communities (IDF).
Dec. 17: More than 20 rockets fell; one exploded next to a large shopping center in Sderot; 3 people were lightly wounded.
Dec. 16: 4 rockets fell, one near a soccer field where children were playing, one near a factory in Sderot.

Dec. 9-15: 5 rockets and 7 mortars fired (2 fell in Egypt) (ITIC).

Dec. 7: 6 Kassam rockets and 4 mortar shells landed in the vicinity of: Sderot, Kibbutz Be’eri, Alumim, Ami-Oz, Kissufim and Kibbutz Yated.

Dec. 5-6: Six Kassam rockets and five mortar shells landed in the vicinity of Israeli communities in southern Israel, including: Ashqelon, Sderot, Kibbutz Nahal-Oz, Kissufim, Alumim, Gevim and Erez. (Ifrd)
Dec. 4: One Kassam rocket landed north of Sderot, starting a fire south of Kibbutz Or Haner. (Ifrd)
Dec. 3: Six Kassam rocket and six mortar shells landed in the vicinity of: Nahal- Oz, Karni crossing, Kibbutz Miflasim, Netiv HaAsara, Kerem Shalom and Kibbutz Suffa. (Ifrd)
Dec. 2: Nine Kassam rockets and seven mortar shells landed in the vicinity of several Kibutzim, including: Nir-Am, Kfar Azza, Nahal Oz, Kerem Shalom and Suffa.
Dec. 1: Two Kassams fell, one north of K. Zikim and one near Nahal Oz. (Ifrd)

November 28 the Palestinian terrorist organizations launched a massive barrage of 17 mortar shells directed at the Nahal Oz area. One rocket was also fired, which landed in an open area. Hamas, PIJ and PRC all claimed responsibility.

One of the mortar shells hit an IDF base in the Nahal Oz region, wounding eight soldiers, one of them critically (he lost a leg).

Nov. 18-25: A total of 14 rockets and 10 mortar bombs were fired at Israel population centers and IDF forces operating near the border security fence. The Popular Resistance Committees, the Popular and Democratic Fronts for the Liberation of Palestine, and Fatah claimed responsibility for the attacks. Hamas did not participate in the attacks but it also did not exert force to put an end to the shelling.

IDF counterterrorism

Dec. 17-18 (Wednesday, Wed. night): The IAF conducted four aerial strikes, three in the northern Gaza Strip, against rocket-launching squads and an arsenal in Jebalya, and one in Khan Yunis (southern Gaza Strip) against a rocket and explosives production factory.

December 8th – 3 explosive devices were placed near the fence: one at Karni crossing and two more a km south of the crossing. The explosive devices were detonated by IDF sappers. An additional explosive device was activated against an IDF mobilized patrol approximately 6 km south of Erez crossing. Hamas claimed responsibility. (Ifrd)

Dec. 7: In response to rocket and mortar fire, the IAF targeted and hit a Kassam launcher. (Ifrd)
Dec. 6: IDF carried out two pinpoint operations, targeting rocket-launching squads in Beit Hanoun and Jabalya. (Ifrd)

Dec. 5-6: Egyptian forces uncovered along the Egyptian-Gaza border 500 tons of TNT and storage rooms containing anti-tank missiles intended for smuggling.

Dec. 2: In response to rocket and mortar fire on Negev communities, the IAF targeted a squad of mortar shells launchers. Two terrorists were killed and four were injured. In addition, IDF troops discovered and detonated an explosive device northeast of Kissufim crossing. (Ifrd)
Dec. 1: Snipers shot at IDF troops south of Sufa crossing; the soldiers returned fire.

November 28: During routine operations, an IDF force identified terrorist operatives laying an IED near the Gaza Strip border security fence in the region of Abasan, near Khan Yunis. A firefight developed between the terrorists and the IDF soldiers, resulting in the death of a Popular Resistance Committees operative and the wounding of four others.

Nov. 23: IDF attacked a rocket-launching squad in N. Gaza, neutralizing them after they launched one Kassam rocket and before they could launch another one.

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