Monday 12 January 2009

Etz Chaim Leisure Club Schedule

Here is the schedule for the Etz Chaim Leisure club from January to July:

Tuesday Jan 20- The Centre Players present CINDERELLA 2009 Produced and directed by Ruth Bush and Helen Lorie

Tuesday Feb 3- An Afternoon of Music and Humour with Alan Harris and Friends

Tuesday Feb 17- 2pm Annual General Meeting.
2:15pm “Your Questions Answered” by Councillors Ruth and Ronnie Feldman

Tuesday Mar 3 12 noon Half an Hour of Jewish Knowledge.
Presented by Rev A Gilbert
Followed by Lunch £3:50
2pm “American Bands and Singers of the 30’s and 40’s”
Presented by Norman Stone

Tuesday Mar 17 “Music Through the Seasons” Presented by Leisel Carter

Tuesday Mar 31 “My Kind of Music” Presented by Sydney Taylor

Tuesday April 14 No Meeting – Pesach

Tuesday April 28 Yom Hazicaron Guest Speaker – To be announced

Tuesday May 12 “A Musical Interlude in New England” Presented by Mona Bloom

Wednesday May 13 A visit to Sheffield Jewish Friendship Club. Leaving at 10:30am £12:50

Tuesday May 26 “Ask the Rabbi” Rabbi S Kupperman will answer your questions

Tuesday June 9 “An Afternoon in the company of Cecil Davies and Alan Vann

Tuesday June 23 “Call me Irving” The Life and Music of Irving Berlin”
Presented with slides by Mike Levy

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