Monday 19 January 2009

Upcoming Masorti events

Masorti activities for January and February

Friday 23th January 2009 6.30 pm Oneg Shabbat.
At Bill & Helen’s, Kabbalat Shabbat followed by bring-and-share (veggie) Dinner.
Call Helen evenings 2662891 to find out address and say what food you're bringing.

Sunday 8th of February: Tu b’Shvat with Reli Israeli (Shelicha from Israel)
3 pm- children’s activities and tree planting
6 pm- Seder (Deb and Sarah’s)
- volunteers needed to cut up fruit - pls contact Deb on 266-6595.

13/14 February Shabbaton
Shabbat Yitro with Shira Wallach, JTS rabbinical candidate
Traditional Egalitarian Morning service at MAZCC
A chance to hear the 10 commandments and to talk about them.

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