Monday 5 January 2009

Israel Appeal: A letter from Benji Apfel

The following was a letter written by Benji Apfel (son of Chazan David Apfel) who serves in the IDF. This was written to BHH members but may be of interest to the wider community

Dear All,

I am writing to you from Sderot in order to extend to you a challenge, to be taken as a community, for the people of Israel and her soldiers.

As you will know, a battle is raging in the Negev and the towns of Sderot, Ashkelon and Ashdod are bearing the brunt of its fury.

As is to be expected, the press coverage being circulated from the area has been very negative and imbalanced, leaving many in the United Kingdom condemning the action of the IDF for its efforts to defend our homeland against terror. Such unjustified condemnation must be combated directly and speedily.

Now, a mere two and a half years after their previous war of 2006, Israel's sons and daughters are fighting on behalf of world Jewry once more, for the security of the State of Israel.

Let us stand with them! Not merely in sentiment, but through a clear program of information combined with action; and let us do it now; without delay!

Many of you will be asking how? So here is the answer I propose:

Over the next ten days, I will be conducting video interviews with the following groups of people:
· Soldiers on the border with Gaza awaiting orders to deploy
· The parents of those soldiers as they await news of the immediate fates of their children
· High Ranking and Junior ranking officers about their thoughts, dilemmas and strategies regarding the current operation
· School children and their teachers
· Businessmen who will outline the effects of the constant rocketing by Hamas, particularly that which preceded the operation in Gaza
· Communal figures and figureheads

I will also be photographing any images I see as being pertinent to what I am trying to achieve.

Once collected, these images and interviews will be condensed into a DVD presentation with the help of Asaf Segev, which will then be screened, with commentary, for the community as a whole. In particular, with the help of Asaf, we will show this footage to our youth, and even to the Youth in other communities, with the aim of showing them our side, the true side, of the situation, the suffering we are undergoing, and thereby positively influencing their outlook on this extremely difficult and complex situation.

This will present our community with a different reference point to that which they are currently exposed to, and will leave us better armed for the moral and debated issues that a situation such as this one presents.

In particular, the benefit of this will be that the community will be more aware of the hardships the people of Israel are facing, even as the current situation unfolds. In other words, we will be being pro-active, rather than merely reactive.

We will be combating, in our own small but direct way, the negative media campaigns which plague Anglo Jewry, and we always find objectionable. Let's do something about it!

Beyond that, I will also establish a place of need to which we can contribute as a community, or in your case, a synagogue, something to help alleviate the suffering of our people. It will be at your discretion to decide what that something will be. Perhaps it will be a pool table to go into a shelter, or some games for children. It doesn't really matter what, as long as there is something tangible and useful that we can present and that is easily sustainable.

As a shul, we will also present a certificate of achdut and solidarity along with this contribution, to be affixed in communal buildings in your shul's name, thereby linking you with a community in one of the aforementioned towns. I propose that each of the three big shuls present one gift to one place in each town. Any surplus funds will be distributed to the soldiers stationed around Gaza at the discretion of your executive committee.

This presentation will of course be filmed and photographed, and then be screened for you in Leeds.

So this is where you come in…

I am asking you all to dig into your pockets, give what you can and do so generously. I realize these are difficult financial times for many, but I'm sure you will agree that times are far worse for the people of Israel who are currently living under a daily barrage of rockets.

Members of your shul executive will then approve and organize the purchase of your proposed gifts and they will be presented by Sunday 11th January.

That sets us a clear deadline, and we can definitely meet it.

The reasons for us doing this together are simple, but let me state them for you:

I constantly hear the sentiment that we all want to do more, but do not know what to do or how to do it. Well here is your opportunity to obviate yourselves of that quandary. By accepting this challenge, you will be placing something directly where it is needed. You will know where it has gone, you will know you have contributed to its being there, but most importantly, the people in Israel will know where it has come from and just how closely we stand with them during these difficult times.

Furthermore, you will be leading by example. Your children, on viewing your presentation, will see that you have all participated. By seeing their parent's involvement, they will know the cause to be correct, true, justified and that they are on the side of right.

You will be showing your solidarity over and above pecuniary generosity.

Additionally, you will be converting your weekly prayers in shul for the safety of our people into action and your will to do something will be converted into something done.

You could involve the youth of your shul in this fundraising, further increasing their awareness, and instilling in them a greater interest in the presentation as it arrives and beyond.

Think about it….What I am proposing is not ba'shamayim…it is within our power. We can easily achieve it.

Whilst I know that organizations such as the UJIA do tremendous work, and that many of you will be involved in supporting the people and soldiers of Israel already, we can still do more.

Why give anonymously, when we can give directly and proudly as a community? Why make a
generic donation, when we can add to it with real specifity?

I have come out here at my own expense, I can offer you a direct connection and link to the people over here, but I am powerless to give without you and your help. Please meet me half way. I assure that the results will be rewarding, worthwhile and will make a real difference.

Your community leaders will support you and will facilitate this initiative.

I extend this challenge to you confidently, because knowing you as I do, I am certain you are able to meet it and much, much more.

Please take it up, do it with immediate effect, and let's make something happen here. Asaf at Makor, your shul president and your rabbi are standing by to assist.

Let's do it together, and let's show those guys in Manchetser and London, that where solidarity is concerned, Leeds leads the way!

Thank you all and Shabbat Shalom to you and to all your families!

Benji Apfel,


I do hope that you will urgently support this most worthwhile cause – please send you donations as shown below:



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