Friday 27 November 2009

Communal Diary: 29th Nov - 6th Dec

The system that sends out the weekly newsletter to the mailing list is currently down. Hopefully, this will be up in time to send it out Saturday night- motzei Shabbat.

In the meantime, you can find the communal diary here which details all the events that are taking place within the Leeds Jewish Community between the 29th November and 6th December. It is a busy week with events from UHC, LJWB, WIZO, The Zone, Jewish Women's Aid, Talmud Torah and Brodetsky. Please take a look.

Also, be aware of some important events that are taking place the following week including the UJIA Annual Dinner with Israeli Ambassador, Dan Gillerman, and the Limelight AGM

Thursday 26 November 2009

Limelight AGM

LIMELIGHT DRAMA GROUP will be holding its AGM on WEDNESDAY, 9 DECEMBER at 8 pm at LIMELIGHT HOUSE, 399 Street Lane (top of the driveway in grounds of BHH Synagogue).

The group looks forward to seeing all current members on that evening but would also welcome any new interested people over the age of 18. If you enjoy theatre and would like to get involved with, not only acting, but backstage (eg. costumes, props, technical) we would love you to come to the above AGM and meet like minded people. As well as putting on our main productions twice a year we have other theatrical activities on a smaller scale. Come and find out what we are all about.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

UJIA Annual Dinner

UJIA Leeds Annual Dinner

Tuesday 8th December 2009
The Reuben Vincent Banqueting Suite
Etz Chaim, 411 Harrogate Road, Leeds LS17 7BY

Guest of Honour
Ambassador Dan Gillerman

Contact Howard Foreman for more details
Tel: 0113 2693136
E mail:

Ambassador Dan Gillerman

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, 2003-2008 Ambassador Dan Gillerman served as Israel’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations from January 2003 – August 2008. His appointment marked the first time that Israel nominated someone from the private sector to this post.

Under Ambassador Gillerman, Israel saw a number of notable and unprecedented achievements in the realm of international politics and diplomacy at the United Nations. He was instrumental in passing numerous resolutions in the General Assembly and Security Council, including the first successful Israeli resolutions ever adopted by the United Nations. As a restament to his leadership, his colleagues elected him a Vice- President of the General Assembly in 2005, making Ambassador Gillerman the first Israeli representative in 53 years to serve the position, ever since Abba Eban in 1952.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Make Drama Work

Dear Friend,

You will hopefully have heard about the first Leeds Community Chanukah Show, being led by Nicky Smith, Jonathan Sumroy and myself. The performances will take place on Sunday 13th and Monday 14th December this year – you might even know somebody involved.

This is a landmark event for the Jewish Community of Leeds. Never before has there been an opportunity for youngsters from all the shuls to take ownership over an event that they are all involved in.

As with most community projects, the show is unsubsidised. As with all theatrical projects, there are some necessary expenses – sets, props and costumes do not come entirely free, no matter how skilled we are at the beg, steal and borrow game! Our aim will be to raise the funds to cover these costs and be able to feed something back into the community via the shuls and The Zone from ticket sales.

And that is where, we hope, you come in…

We will be having full colour, glossy programmes printed and would like to offer advertising space for either business promotion, or personal messages. The brochure will be
A5-sized and adverts start at £25 for a quarter page.

I would also like to take this opportunity to invite anyone with an interest in the Arts, to become Patrons of the event by making a single donation of £12. Patrons will be listed and thanked in the programme and associated with future ventures of this nature.

Of course there is always the option of sponsoring a specific part of the event; making a donation specifically for musical contribution, costumes, props or set construction perhaps.

All contributors will be acknowledged in the programme (unless they wish to remain anonymous) and will receive one free ticket to their preferred performance.

If you would like to be a part of this innovative project and feel you can offer your support in any way, please get in touch with me as soon as possible – any assistance will be greatly appreciated! E-mail or telephone 07538 089 899.

All the very best,


Friday 13 November 2009

Iran: Our Greatest Threat?

Dear Friends

You are invited to hear Neil Lazarus speak at the MAZ Community Centre, 311 Stonegate Road, on Tuesday 17th November 2009 at 8.30pm. Neil Lazarus is an internationally acclaimed expert in the field of Middle East, Israel advocacy and effective communication training.

He is emerging as one of Israel’s leading keynote speakers. His presentations are fun, informative and entertaining. His seminars are causing a sensation internationally. He is a favoured speaker for Jewish Federations, Community Leadership as well as student leadership groups. He is a welcomed guest at many Christian friends of Israel organisations.

Neil Lazarus has helped train a new generation of Israeli diplomats as well as Israel’s army and airforce spokespeople.

Neil acted as the Israel advocacy policy advisor for Israel’s leading reality television program, “The Ambassador”.

Born in Britain he received his first degree in Political Science at the University of Wales. Neil immigrated to Israel in 1988 and soon after received his Masters Degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

We are delighted that he has accepted an invitation to speak in Leeds. We hope that you will join us for what is sure to be an instructive and enlightening evening.

Please let us know if you will be attending this important meeting. Contact Sandra or Marilyn on 0113 2185865 or email


Phil Margolis

Thursday 12 November 2009

Deborah Taylor Nursery

Deborah Taylor Nursery now has its own website at:

From the "About Us" section:

Deborah Taylor Nursery is an orthodox Jewish nursery which caters to the entire Jewish community of Leeds and surrounding areas. The nursery has occupied its present site since 1974 and feeds into the BrodetskyPrimary School which shares the same site. There is a strong Jewish ethos in the nursery and children are helped to develop not only a sense of who they are but also a flavour of what it means to be Jewish. Children are encouraged to have a love of the daily and weekly rituals together with the numerous festivals which are celebrated throughout the year.

Deborah Taylor Nursery is registered as a full day nursery and offers flexible provision over its morning, lunchtime and afternoon sessions. Fees are calculated per term and parents can request any combination of the above sessions subject to availability.

The Deborah Taylor Nursery operates a very effective security system which employs security guards on each of the two entrance gates. A contribution to the cost of this security is requested of parents/carers each term.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Communal Diary: 1st - 8th November

There was a problem with the server on Friday and so the newsletter will not have reached most people on the mailing list.

As such, to see the community diray and find out about all this week’s activities taking place within the Leeds Jewish Community, press this link. This communal diary covers all the events occurring between the 1st and 8th of November inclusive. Events this week include ones from the Leeds Jewish Historical Society, Aviva WIZO, AJEX, UHC and BHH.

For additional information, contact the individual groups involved or the Representative Council on 0113 2697520.