Wednesday 25 November 2009

UJIA Annual Dinner

UJIA Leeds Annual Dinner

Tuesday 8th December 2009
The Reuben Vincent Banqueting Suite
Etz Chaim, 411 Harrogate Road, Leeds LS17 7BY

Guest of Honour
Ambassador Dan Gillerman

Contact Howard Foreman for more details
Tel: 0113 2693136
E mail:

Ambassador Dan Gillerman

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, 2003-2008 Ambassador Dan Gillerman served as Israel’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations from January 2003 – August 2008. His appointment marked the first time that Israel nominated someone from the private sector to this post.

Under Ambassador Gillerman, Israel saw a number of notable and unprecedented achievements in the realm of international politics and diplomacy at the United Nations. He was instrumental in passing numerous resolutions in the General Assembly and Security Council, including the first successful Israeli resolutions ever adopted by the United Nations. As a restament to his leadership, his colleagues elected him a Vice- President of the General Assembly in 2005, making Ambassador Gillerman the first Israeli representative in 53 years to serve the position, ever since Abba Eban in 1952.

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