Saturday 14 November 2009

Make Drama Work

Dear Friend,

You will hopefully have heard about the first Leeds Community Chanukah Show, being led by Nicky Smith, Jonathan Sumroy and myself. The performances will take place on Sunday 13th and Monday 14th December this year – you might even know somebody involved.

This is a landmark event for the Jewish Community of Leeds. Never before has there been an opportunity for youngsters from all the shuls to take ownership over an event that they are all involved in.

As with most community projects, the show is unsubsidised. As with all theatrical projects, there are some necessary expenses – sets, props and costumes do not come entirely free, no matter how skilled we are at the beg, steal and borrow game! Our aim will be to raise the funds to cover these costs and be able to feed something back into the community via the shuls and The Zone from ticket sales.

And that is where, we hope, you come in…

We will be having full colour, glossy programmes printed and would like to offer advertising space for either business promotion, or personal messages. The brochure will be
A5-sized and adverts start at £25 for a quarter page.

I would also like to take this opportunity to invite anyone with an interest in the Arts, to become Patrons of the event by making a single donation of £12. Patrons will be listed and thanked in the programme and associated with future ventures of this nature.

Of course there is always the option of sponsoring a specific part of the event; making a donation specifically for musical contribution, costumes, props or set construction perhaps.

All contributors will be acknowledged in the programme (unless they wish to remain anonymous) and will receive one free ticket to their preferred performance.

If you would like to be a part of this innovative project and feel you can offer your support in any way, please get in touch with me as soon as possible – any assistance will be greatly appreciated! E-mail or telephone 07538 089 899.

All the very best,


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