Thursday 12 November 2009

Deborah Taylor Nursery

Deborah Taylor Nursery now has its own website at:

From the "About Us" section:

Deborah Taylor Nursery is an orthodox Jewish nursery which caters to the entire Jewish community of Leeds and surrounding areas. The nursery has occupied its present site since 1974 and feeds into the BrodetskyPrimary School which shares the same site. There is a strong Jewish ethos in the nursery and children are helped to develop not only a sense of who they are but also a flavour of what it means to be Jewish. Children are encouraged to have a love of the daily and weekly rituals together with the numerous festivals which are celebrated throughout the year.

Deborah Taylor Nursery is registered as a full day nursery and offers flexible provision over its morning, lunchtime and afternoon sessions. Fees are calculated per term and parents can request any combination of the above sessions subject to availability.

The Deborah Taylor Nursery operates a very effective security system which employs security guards on each of the two entrance gates. A contribution to the cost of this security is requested of parents/carers each term.

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