Tuesday 16 September 2008

LJRC Yearbook- advertising opportunities

Every year, the representative council produces a 'yearbook' which is a valuable resource for the whole community and beyond. In the office we have yearbooks going back to 1970! As it is nearing the new year, we are looking ahead to compiling the yearbook for 2008-09. What it will include:

  • Information about all the organisations affiliated with the LJRC (which is basically all the religious and lay organisations in the community)
  • A "Who's Who?" of Leeds with a comprehensive phone and email directory
  • Dates of Jewish festivals throughout the year
  • Contains information about hospital visiting, prison visiting, arrangements in case of bereavement etc
  • Kashrut information including all the supervised poulterers, delicatessans, caterers etc
  • "A year in life of the Jewish community"
  • Various articles from different people in the community

The yearbook goes to all community bodies, advertisers, local libraries, civic authorities as well as lay members of the Leeds Jewish community. It constitutes a comprehensive 'guide' to the community, where all the most important information is gathered in one place and is the first port of call if someone has a question about it. Given its wide readership, it is a great place to advertise your company or organisation. In the past we have had solicitors, watchmakers, schools, estate agents, interfaith organisation etc advertising. There are a wide variety of different options in terms of sizes, position, colour which means that we can cater for the needs of the organisations involves.

If you, or the company you work for, wants to advertise please get in contact with Michele at info@ljrc. There you will be able to get a full price list. This is not only good for the individuals and good for you, but is also a vital source of revenue that allows us to serve the community. Thank you for supporting us!

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