Monday 15 September 2008

Newsletter by email

From Rosh Hashanah onwards I will be producing a community newsletter that will contain:

  • All the events in the community for the upcoming week
  • Future events to look out for
  • A close-up on an organisation in the community
  • A quick look into an aspect of the community's history
  • Give you a glimpse of future plans for the community

The newspaper will be printed out and a certain number will be placed in the synagogues, community centre, Kosherie (etc). However, I plan to send it out via email so that you will receive the newsletter straight to your inbox. This way you will be able to keep up with everything that is happening in the community without having to lift a finger! To this end, I'm going to start to compile an email list. So... if you are interested, please send an email to with "Sign up to email newsletter" in the subject line, and then in the body, put your name and email address.

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