Tuesday 9 September 2008

New JLife out

The new edition of JLife is out for September 2008 (Issue 22). It is a special Rosh Hashanah edition. Features include:

  • Pictures of the latest Simchot
  • "Not Moving? Improve!"- ways to improve your living space
  • "New Year, New Beginning"- A guide to the high holydays by R' Shalom Kupperman
  • The latest community news
  • "All the Right Moves"- Interview with Russell Manning
  • "Sugar & Spice" - Looking back on the stars who have turned out for Make a Dream's annual dinner (this year with Sir Alan Sugar)
  • A look at the local schools
  • "Reconnect at Rosh Hashanah"- R' Pink looks at the importance of prayer at during the New Year
  • "Visions of Peace"- Looking at co-operation between Israelis and Palestinians

... and more. Many in LS17 will have received it through the post but it is also available at various pickup points in the area (I picked mine up downstairs in the community centre.)

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