Monday 1 June 2009

Community Orientated Programming

There are three new community-orientated programmes on Radio JCom:

Lesley Millet has done a pilot show which is going out from 10.00am to 11.00am every weekday starting from Monday, and which they have called “Mid morning with Lesley”. Please do have a listen.

Then from 8.00pm until 9.00pm every evening there is J Talk, with Ronnie Miller & Guests coupled with Home & Away with Lynne Coates.
This is a new discussion with Lynne where she talks about her visit to Hungary and discusses some of the things which were not printed in the J Life article. As these are half hour slots, they alternate with Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday leading with J Talk followed by Home & Away, and then on Monday and Wednesday, Home & Away leads, followed by J Talk.

Stuart Woolf has started his series called “Living with …” and the first item called “Living with an eating disorder” has gone into the hour slots during the day. This is an interesting 22 minute discussion with someone who has an eating disorder and how they came to terms with it.

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