Tuesday 2 June 2009

The Zone April/May Report

April/May 2009 Activities Report- by Raina Sheaf

General Club
Most of our members are busy at the moment with one kind of test or another! From Sats to GCSE’s to AS, A levels and even driving tests!!
It’s tense for these kids at the moment so we are helping them by offering some one off activities and workshops as well as our regular sessions.
We are also busy planning our programmes for next term and have been offered some extra input from members and parents. It’s always good to get feedback so we can offer the community what they need from our club.

Intercity Sport – The David Clayman Trophy Championship was held again in Manchester and we lost…….again……so the less said about that the better! However, our sports coaches have assured me that it will be 3rd time lucky and that wonderful Trophy will be back with us next year!

We have celebrated and commemorated over the last few weeks.
Following the Poland trip in February our participants co-presented
Yom Hashoah at the Mazcc. It was an extremely moving evening with the young people sharing their inner most thoughts and feelings. I have spoken to these youngsters myself and have been amazed at the maturity and depth of thought and feelings the trip provoked in them. We look forward to another trip next year.

The following week for Yom HaZikaron we invited an Israeli Army Captain in to talk to some of our members about life in the army, decisions that have to be made on the front line and the difficulties facing soldiers, their families and Israel during extremely challenging times. Our members asked some brilliant questions and learnt so much from that session. We then joined the community Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations, at which a fabulous dvd was shown reflecting life at The Zone.

Fashion & Culture
We have teamed up with Tribe to raise awareness of Jewish Women’s Aid. JWA are planning a fashion show in November and The Zone/Tribe will feature in a segment of that show. We had 24 enthusiastic girls at our first session during which we customised clothes whilst addressing the serious work of JWA. The girls responded really well and we will meet again in June.

Café Chai
It’s been all go in the kitchen over the last few weeks – From Matzo Brei to cheesecake! It is of course Shavuot this week so cheesecake has been what’s cooking! It’s great to watch the children cooking but I must be careful…..those calories!

Outreach and Development
In the last report I mentioned a new project we are working on to begin in September. “Leeds Leaders” – The Zone, Brodetsky, LJWB and Donisthorpe. We have been visiting with all the current Year 11’s (61) who we know of, who are doing GCSE’s now and will be going into 6th form/college next year. They have been invited to attend an afternoon in June at which we will present the course content and they will have the opportunity to apply for a place.

We, The 4 organisations involved in this project are very excited about it and will present the whole project; content, aims and objectives when we have chosen our candidates. All Leeds Jewish organisations will have the opportunity during the project to introduce themselves and their organisations to the young people. More to follow..

Street Sound
We are very excited and thank the organisers, sponsors and donors from The Boxing night for raising some extra funds to enable us to buy an electronic drum kit and guitars so we can expand our content to music making and to those who do not have access to musical instruments at home. We continue to offer specific tuition in Street Sound and I have to mention (well I don’t have to but I will) that a mother of one of the Street Sound kids came specifically to tell me last week that we have changed her son’s life. He now has a hobby and interests he never had before, but most importantly he has friends and a social life and The Zone has given him that. I was so proud of our team, as I always am when I get that feedback.

Art and Crafts
During half term we ran a brand new art and craft workshop at which our children created, made, painted (and even cooked their art!) It was a truly fun afternoon and we hope to feature it again during Summer.

Once again - If you know a child who says we don’t offer what they want at The Zone, just let us know. As you know we believe flexibility triumphs so we aim to be as flexible as we can with our activities and events.

However, we don’t always know what your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or neighbours want so tell us!

It may be anything from a chess club to hair and nails activities, to journalism or photography – just let us know and we will try to schedule it in.

Date For Your Diary:
September 15th - The Zone Annual Golf Day
Please call the office for details – 0113 2172531.

I hope you have enjoyed reading about our activities and plans, and in the words of one of our parents; “There’s No Place Like Zone”!.
We welcome your feedback and any suggestions.

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