Tuesday 9 June 2009

Database Launch

Last Friday saw the first mailing from the Leeds Jewish Community Database. The numbers are growing but we want to reach every member of the community, to let them know what is going on in the community.

The ultimate idea is to ask organisations to stop sending emails out on behalf of other people. People are fed up of being flooded with emails and usually delete them anyway! According to this plan, organisations will advertise their event through their own mailing list, and through this database ONLY. So you will get an email a maximum of twice, rather than the multiple times you get at present. However, we can only do this if we get 1500 people on the database!

So please sign up here: www.lji.org.uk/home/mailing-list. Alternatively, fill out a leaflet at the Centre, The Zone, The Kosherie or Gourmet and post in the box provided.

If you know someone who is unaffiliated with any particular group; doesn't live in a specifically 'Jewish area' of Leeds; is new to the community; you have heard grumble that they didn't know about an event; or a friend who is not on the database, please let them know about the initiative.

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