Tuesday 3 February 2009

International Womans Day: Anneli Project

The organising group ‘the ladies who launch’ are delighted to announce the launch of:

The Anneli Project
in memory of Anneli Alderton

Anneli Alderton was a young woman from West Yorkshire murdered in Ipswich by Steve Wright, along with four other women who had been forced to work in the sex industry.
This year’s International Women’s Day 2009 lunch is taking place at a very exciting time. Later this year, thanks to your help and the promised support of statutory funders, Leeds will have its own safe house for women who have been trafficked into the sex industry (both internationally trafficked and within the UK).

The Anneli Project will provide a safe haven for up to 8 trafficked women each year and will offer specialist support and access to a range of services including interpreting, legal, immigration, mental heath, sexual health, drugs, alcohol, training and specialist counselling for post traumatic stress disorder.

Some of the funding for The Anneli Project has been secured, but we are still short of our target of the £65,000 needed each year. All of the money raised at this year’s IWD lunch will go to the Anneli Project.

Celebrate the birth of The Anneli Project here in Leeds at the International Women’s Day Luncheon on Monday 2nd March 2009 at the Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Community Centre, 311, Stonegate Road, Leeds LS17 6AZ.

In order to save both money and the environment for further details please contact by e-mail: Contact Danielle Firth or Sheila Saunders on danielle.firth@ljha.co.uk or sheila.saunders@ljha.co.uk

The Anneli Project will be run by Leeds Women’s Aid. For further information about how you, your friends or your organisation can continue to support The Anneli Project will be available at the International Women’s Day lunch.

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