Tuesday 10 February 2009

Organisations of the Community: Mums4Kids

Mums4Kids was started in September 2004 by six local Jewish mums, Amanda Newdall, Bev Sacks, Debra Samuel, Tracey Badkin, Natalie Klineberg and Caroline Giness to raise money for local children. Rather than be aligned with any particular charity, the Mums4Kids committee decided to remain independent, thereby allowing them to select where the money could be donated for each event. To date, they have raised money towards buying a syringe pump for the Children’s Oncology Ward (Ward 10) at St. James’, donated money to St. Martin’s House Hospice, LJWB Family Project specifically to assist abused children, the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund and Destination: Florida!, a charity that sends ill children to Florida.

Their events have been varied and well attended – from a children’s Halloween Party to a Race Night, from a workshop on bringing up children to a Comedy Night and from a Movie night to a Valentine’s dance – and each occasion has been fun and has raised lots of money.

So the next time you hear of an event being held by the Mums4Kids committee, come along – we’re sure you won’t be disappointed!

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