Tuesday 24 February 2009

JHSE Schedule

JHSE Schedule for the rest of the year:

March Monday 2nd- Samuel Kassow- Warsaw Ghetto in conjunction with the Jewish Book Week

April Monday 6th- Gavin Schaffer- Jewish Intelligence are Jews clever

May Monday 11th- Rory Miller- British Anti Zionist Jews Then & Now.

June Monday 1st- Dr Sarah Rees Jones- Jews of Medieval York

July Monday 6th- David Graham- Jewish Demography

September Monday 7th- Julia Gottlieb- Women and British Fascism

October Monday 5th- Ben Barkow- Work of the Wiener Library

November Monday 2nd- Ross Bradshaw- Jews in the Spanish Civil War.

December Monday 7th- Prof. Michael Alpert- Secret Jews & The Spanish Inquisition

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