Thursday 12 February 2009

Organisations of the community: Habonim Dror

Habonim Dror aim to inspire and be inspired by their values through a structure of empowering Jewish youth, reciprocal learning and social action. They informally educate their members and provide a vehicle for youth to develop leadership skills and put their ideals into practice. Habonim Dror creates a unique atmosphere in all its activities with an emphasis on relationships, creativity and fun.

Here in Leeds, Habo Ken runs fortnightly at the Zone Youth Centre for years 4 and 5. It takes place on Sunday afternoons where trained madrichim run fun activities for all involved. They also help the Zone with their youth leadership training course for year 10’s and will be running sessions for it.

If you have any queries regarding the ken; if you want to find out whether Habo Israel Tour is the right tour for you; whether your son or daughter is fit for our gap-year in Israel (shnat); or simply if you want to know what Habonim do in Leeds for your age group, then feel free to contact our Northern Fieldworker, Marc Fink on 0161 795 9447 or email:

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