Thursday 19 February 2009

Organisations of the Community: UJIA

UJIA are a national charity with strong links in the Leeds community. Through the money raised by generous contributions of local people, UJIA are able to ensure a positive future for communities across the UK and in Northern Israel.

In the north of Israel UJIA is developing Galil-wide initiatives, for the benefit of all the citizens of the region, such as community transformation programmes and upgrading
of schools, as well as many individual programmes. These are strengthening the social infrastructure and providing a significant boost to the local economy. UJIA are committed to investing in education, community development and new business.

In the UK, UJIA is committed to providing formal and informal educational programmes and activities that inspire and engage our young people. UJIA Israel Experience is their flagship programme connecting young Jewish people to their heritage. They fund Summer Tour, Gap Year and birthright. Every year more than 2,500 young people visit Israel on a dedicated educational programme. Amongst these are many from Leeds.

A large percentage of money that is raised locally is reinvested in the Leeds community. Contributions are made to the Brodetsky Primary School, The Zone Youth Centre, the Leeds Community Shaliach and Makor Jewish Life Educational Centre. Adult education education initiatives such as Torah l’Am and Adult Bat Chayil also benefit. UJIA is looking to the future through the training of lay leaders and professionals across the Leeds community.

For more information about to get involved in UJIA's activities in Leeds email or call 0113 269 3136

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