Monday 16 March 2009

BA Friday Night Minyan

Letter from Sagi, the Rosh of Leeds BA

Hello Everyone...

Gosh, can you believe that Shabbat Ha'irgun is over? Doesn't time fly when your having fun? Thank you very much for all those who have supported Bnei Akiva this year - your help is really appreciated!

The key to a meaningful Shabbat experience is that it shouldn't feel just like "any other day." Rather, we want to create a special mood. This means getting dressed up in our nicest (or favorite) clothes, buying or preparing our favorite foods, and setting aside uninterrupted time to reflect and appreciate what our lives are really all about. Abd what better way to bring it in then with the BA family Friday night Minyan?

On the 27th of March 2009 the BA Family Friday night Minyan is back - this time at the home of the Myersons (contact for more details). Everyone is welcome; young, old, mummies and daddies - even your next door neighbor well... if their Jewish! Its going to be fun, exciting, lively and full of songs - the way Shabbat should really be brought in!

If you could just let me know if your coming so that we know approximately how many siddurim to have - but if you don't let me know it doesn't mean that you can't come - we'll have extras!!

Looking forward to hearing from you very soon...
Rosh 5769

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