Tuesday 17 March 2009

Future Communal Plans

Below is a list of ideas that I, along with the "Leeds Jewish Future" committee, thought might aid the development and strengthening of the community. They are items that I will oversee being put in place over the next couple of years. Any comments, suggestion, alterations or additions most welcome.

  • Development of Jobs Bank and Jobs Fair. It is vital that there are employment opportunities in Leeds for university graduates, as well as a social responsibility to help community members who are out of work. As such, there will be jobs fairs targeted at both these groups, as well as a jobs bank on the communal website.

  • For New Members of Community. A person’s communal involvement will, to a great extent, depend on the welcome s/he receives and the information s/he gets. Also, people will more likely move here if there is an infrastructure in place. As such the following is proposed:
    • 'Introduction to Leeds' brochure- On arrival they will receive a brochure with information about activities, shul membership and the history of the community. It will also include items such as vouchers to the kosher stores.
    • 'Adoptive Families' programme- Volunteers will be trained to act as 'hosts' for new entrants to the community, providing them with support and advice.

  • Communal Friday Nights. Every month there will be a communal Friday aimed at a particular section of the community such as under 18s, young adults and those who are economically/ socially disadvantaged. Every fourth month will be a meal for the entire community.

  • Set up a Funding Committee. The community development officer will head up a group dedicated to applying for grant and trust money for communal projects (including ones written about here) as well as other communal organisations such as The Zone.

  • Interfaith/ Multiethnic activities. It is important to build on the work of LJRC in representing our interests to the wider community and increasing mutual understanding. Ideas include:
    • Inter-community sports events
    • Workshops on issues of mutual concern such as faith schooling, community safety and medical ethics.

  • Volunteering. We will increase the volunteering core of the community including many students and young adults who have expressed an interest. This will boost the work of Leeds Jewish Welfare Board. However, other opportunities will be developed at accessible times and relevant to their interests (e.g. environmental)

  • New community Provisions. For example:
    • Sports, Dance, Yoga providing for a younger age group than at present.
    • “Skills You Never Learnt” Younger members of the community have expressed an interest in fun workshops including on cookery, DIY and First Aid.

  • Photobook of the Community. A colourful booklet that gives an up-to-date history of Leeds in an accessible way, will be produced. The idea is to make something that gives a feel for the community and that we would be proud to give to visitors to or new members of the community. The photos will then be integrated with the website, where there will also be an archive of Leeds’ history.

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