Monday 23 March 2009

Leeds BA Limmud

...from Sagi, Rosh of Leeds BA

Today - Monday the 23rd March (8pm at the Etz Chaim) is the launch of the new Leeds BA limud.

There is going to be plenty of food, plenty of fun, lots of friends and always more to learn! For everyone over year 9 (aged 13/14 +), come with parents, children, grandchildren nephews and nieces and anyone else you want! Even if you've never been to BA before!

The way its going to work:
- We will start by getting into groups of 5 (ish) - where you have a short discussion on a chosen topic which you will get. You will also be given sauces and quotes for you to debate within your small "K'vutza" (group).
- We will then all get together and have a group discussion on the different points learnt and finish off with something BIG!
- We will finish at around 8.30pm

Come and try it out - its the first week so there's bound to be more people, FOOD and learning!

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