Wednesday 11 March 2009

Radio JCom- Volunteers needed

A letter from Stuart Wolff- Programme Director of Radio JCom

Hi Everyone

You’ll have heard the exciting news that we have received Planning Permission for our Radio Transmitter Mast! Now – more than ever – we are planning for the future of our Radio Station.

Over the past few months we have put in place a “Training Schedule” and several of you are undergoing training – or have had training – with Aaron so that we have a team of Radio People ready to go on air.

To explain –

BROADLY SPEAKING a Radio Station is broken down into three main areas as follows –

PRESENTERS – These are the people who have a specific programme –usually an hour but not necessarily so – for example –“Joe Bloggs Record Request Hour”. They will introduce themselves/ present their programme (with content largely of their choice) and sign off at the end.

CONTRIBUTORS – These are the people who “contribute” into a programme. For example a contributor may –

a) Go out into the community and interview people at an event
b) Do a mini series of interviews
c) Get dedications
d) Be a local professional who regularly has a “slot” in a programme
A Contributor
may work with one, or several, different programmes.

PRODUCERS -These are the people who work with a specific presenter and help them plan their programme ahead. Quite often, a Presenter becomes his/her own Producer.

Of course there are many other – mainly technical jobs – to do, but my concern is with Programme Planning.

I am now looking for more volunteers to slot into positions with Radio Jcom, as detailed above. We expect in these early days –to be recording programmes on a weekly basis. Your programme will transmit throughout the week at (probably) a different time each day, and will change at the weekend. If you are offered a programme, it is a REGULAR commitment, so please think carefully. If you are unable to commit to a programme, then become a contributor or producer! This places less demands on you.

To maintain as high a standard as possible, everyone who goes “on air” when we go live on medium wave will be asked to meet Aaron (our Trainer) for an appraisal. He will chat with you, see what you’d like to do, and put in position any instruction he thinks necessary to help you get there.

I hope you are as excited about this as we all are. Please will you consider volunteering for a job with Radio Jcom? Get in touch with me, and I’ll do the rest.

Thanks for your time

Stuart Woolf

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