Monday 23 March 2009

Brodetsky School Reports- Summarised

Summarised version of OFSTED and Pikuach Reports

Click here for full Ofsted Report

Click here for full Pikuach Report

Brodetsky School is a good school with outstanding features. The quality of education has improved since the previous inspection. The headteacher has the respect of the local community and, as a result, parents are overwhelmingly supportive of the school. Effective leadership and management combined with good quality teaching mean pupils make good progress in their academic work and achieve excellent levels of personal development.

Pupils greatly enjoy coming to school because, as they say, ‘We get a good education.’ They have an excellent understanding of the part that food and exercise play in remaining healthy. All pupils are equally valued and well cared for and they understand the importance of keeping safe. The learning mentor provides support for all pupils and, as a result, attendance is excellent. Pupils behave well and are welcoming to visitors and to newcomers who arrive from abroad. The school’s inclusive atmosphere makes a very strong contribution to community cohesion. The curriculum provides well for pupils’ all-round development. It is carefully focused on developing pupils’ basic skills and in promoting their active engagement in their learning. However, there are too few opportunities for pupils to practise their writing skills across a range of subjects. Good quality teaching ensures that pupils are interested in their lessons and there are high levels of support available for those who find learning more difficult. Excellent partnerships with a wide range of other institutions and agencies enhance the quality of provision. Over the past year, the introduction of more sharply focused assessment systems has had a positive impact on progress because teachers have used the information to adapt work more closely to pupils’ needs. Academic guidance is highly effective. Pupils enjoy the opportunity to assess their own learning, continually striving to do better.

Pupils of all abilities achieve well. Children get off to a particularly good start in the Early Years Foundation Stage. In Key Stages 1 and 2 pupils make good progress and develop positive attitudes to learning. Effective school action to ensure the good teaching of reading and mathematics has significantly increased the rate of progress in these subjects in every year group. As a result, overall standards are above average by the end of Year 6. Despite improvements, pupils’ writing skills are not as good as those in reading and mathematics. The school is aware that standards in writing are not yet high enough and has drawn up plans to address specific areas of weakness within them.

Good quality leadership and management underpin the school’s rate of improvement since the last inspection. More effective teaching strategies have led to higher standards and better achievement. The determination of the headteacher and senior leadership team to enhance the pupils’ quality of education is in evidence throughout the school and provides the inspiration from which all staff gain strength. However, the recently introduced leadership and management structures have not had a full effect. This is particularly so for subject leaders who have yet fully to develop their skills in checking on the progress pupils make. Governors have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. They are supportive and hold the school to account well. The school carefully evaluates its effectiveness and makes suitable plans in its quest for excellence. Consequently, a shared vision has developed among school leaders, which gives the school its good capacity for improvement.

The quality of Limmudei Kodesh at Brodetsky Primary School is good with some outstanding features and there is strong determination and capacity to continue to improve. Enormous progress has been made since the previous Pikuach inspection when significant weaknesses were identified in the Limmudei Kodesh curriculum, assessment procedures, attainment of pupils in Key Stage 2 and provision for pupils with SEN (Special Educational Needs). Much has been achieved under the leadership of the new headteacher in addressing these weaknesses. As a result, the curriculum and procedures for assessing pupils’ progress and attainment are now outstanding and the attainment of pupils in Key Stage 2 and provision for pupils with SEN are good.

The school knows itself well and takes effective action to improve the academic achievement and personal successes of the pupils. The headteacher and the leader of Limmudei Kodesh provide strong professional leadership so that teachers feel well supported and receive every help and encouragement in performing their duties effectively.

Teaching and learning are good and often outstanding. Teachers relate to pupils in a most positive way, giving much encouragement and praise. They have good Jewish subject knowledge and are very good role models. Pupils are happy at the school and feel secure and the overwhelming majority of parents indicate very strong support for the leadership and management of the school. Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around the school is excellent and the manner in which they conduct themselves during Tefillah (davening) is exemplary.

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